10 years ago: I was 10 years old and enjoying life as a kid! I truely had the most amazing childhood! :]
5 years ago: I was a sophmore in high school and hanging out with my best friends ever! Ryan was a junior in Spanish Fork and we had no idea that we would soon fall in love! I was also very heavily into track and was probably in the best shape of my life. Oh boy!
5 months ago: Just enjoying married life and the wonderful people that we have.
5 things on my to do list today:
1. Get a pedi with sis in law
2. Take a "small" shopping spree to Target
3. Hang out with my hubby
4. Get some sushi
5. See a movie
5 snacks I enjoy: (next week I will have new cravings)
2. Sweet tarts
3. Chocolate Chip Cookies
4. Carrots and Ranch
5. M&M's
5 things I would do if I were suddenly a billionaire:
1. Quit my job and join the Peace Corp
2. Buy a Bentley with cash dollas.
3. Build a HUGE animal shelter and take in all the homeless puppies
4. Start having little Barras'
5. Build my parents an amazing retirement home in the tropics!
5 of my bad habits:
1. Biting my nails
2. Shopping
3. Test messaging
4. Getting annoyed at everything and anything
5. Eating candy non stop.
5 places I have lived:
1. West Jordan
2. Taylorsville
3. Sandy
4. K-Town
Thats it!
5 jobs I've had:
1. Lifeguard
2. Electric Beach
3. iForce
4. Oddysey House
5. HR Assistant
5 things people don't know about me:
1. I have a weird obsession with dogs.
2. I am super stubborn
3. I always wait until I am completly out of gas so hubbs can stand out in the cold and fill up.
4. I am Catholic
5. State Champion in Track n Field.
modern day mama to a threenager, & a pretty dream girl. wife to a country boy. runner. triathlete. queen of sarcasm.
Are you here yet?
SPRING! Where are you!?
Easter is my favorite holiday! I just love it, why? Ya know my birthday, all the candy, the easter egg hunts, my proposal story, oh and my basket whats not to love?! My easter baskets from my parents are freaking the bomb.com. Every year no matter how old I am my mom puts together the best Easter basket for me! I swear I am going to be 45 years old opening Easter baskets with my kids from Gma and Gpa! My proposal was amazing, and when I was younger we would do egg hunts and my Grandmas and there would always be a $50.00 egg and my dad would always clue me in on where to find it. Yep.. I usually always found it. {Lucky right???} My favorite kind of Easter candy is::
PEEPS! :nom nom nom: I swear I could eat a million and 1 and not get sick or gain a freaking pound! All I have done since Easter candy has come out on the shelves is gorge myself with these things AND these freaking things:
I swear to you its all I eat! I get so full on all of this that I NEVER want dinner. I have lost a whopping 2 pounds since Friday when I filled my grocery cart like a mad woman with a year supply of all of these goodies!! So these are just the many reasons why I love Spring/Easter time. For Lent (I am Catholic)
I knew I wanted to give up something that I ate alot and also something that I knew I could stick too so I gave up my beloved FRENCH FRIES!! Since In N' Out and Chic Fil A came 3 miles away from my house I have over indulged in their yummy french fries! Since Summer is just right around the corner I thought it would only help to fit in my bikini right? Well I am dying! DYING!!! Oh well I only have 35 or so more days! Then I will be in french fry heaven! Well thats all for me on this sunny but frigid cold day. I am waiting for Spring to tap me on the shoulder! :] Any day now.....
I knew I wanted to give up something that I ate alot and also something that I knew I could stick too so I gave up my beloved FRENCH FRIES!! Since In N' Out and Chic Fil A came 3 miles away from my house I have over indulged in their yummy french fries! Since Summer is just right around the corner I thought it would only help to fit in my bikini right? Well I am dying! DYING!!! Oh well I only have 35 or so more days! Then I will be in french fry heaven! Well thats all for me on this sunny but frigid cold day. I am waiting for Spring to tap me on the shoulder! :] Any day now.....
Yeah, I am pretty dang lucky! I get to wake up to this EVERY morning! My hubbs sound asleep and our pup right next to him. She usually falls asleep in mid stretch and I had the chance to snap a pic of it! So here you go! She is too cute and he is adorable as well. Hope your having a wonderful Monday! ;] (Yes, that is a Little Mermaid pillowcase. I have had it since I was 3 or so.)
This woman does not get the respect she deserves. Her birthday was yesterday and knowing her she would kill me if I posted her age. (She's not even old... YET) ;] I love birthdays and I think they need to be known and made a big deal of! So I decided to have Jess, Deano, and Pey over for dinner last night and make Jess dinner and a bday cake to celebrate another year with her!! Her family does not give her enough credit for all of the amazing things she does for everyone around her! We have had our moments and I am sure we will have many more but one thing I can say about her is she knows how to bring you back down to earth! I look up to her more then she knows and think she is an incredible mom! Happy Birthday Jess! Your an amazing person and we love you SO much!! Can't wait for all of the memories we have ahead!
Since I dont think I will have time to BRAG about my father this weekend I am just going to do it now. This Monday my dad is going to be.. *gasp* 50!!! Yeah 50!! I know I know he goes to the gym for 2 hours a day, everyday and could kick anyones ass in squats but this has been really hard me. Being the daddys girl that I am I just can't get past the fact that he is 50! I think if I say it enough it will hit me, but I dont think I will ever be okay with it. My dad means so much to me in my eyes he is the ideal man, handsome, hardworking, generous, buff, and FUNNY!! This man is the funniest person EVER funnier then Will Ferrel and coming from me that means pretty damn funny! He has always been my biggest cheerleader and I have been ablet to tell him everything even those embarrassing things that you would never think about telling your dad! One thing I admire so much about him is his way of thinking he makes everything a joke and always sees the bright side to even the worst situation. I mean look at this smile...
Or in others words shit eating grin. I hate to admit this but I have the same gosh darn grin, it looks like we are up to something even if we really aren't!! Its hard not for me to feel warm and safe when I see him smile like this! I sure do love him and everything he has done for my mom, sister and I. He has been so good to use and I honestly do not know how he did it being the only male in the house! I remember wrestling with him and getting put down! He would have me, my mom, and my sister in the corner hurting within 5 minutes!! EVERYTIME!! One special memory I have about him is the way he ALWAYS had to make things even for my sister and I. My sister had the brilliant idea to put makeup on my mom one night (we were 5 or 6) and I was so mad that my sister got to put it on my mom first and I didn't have anyone to put it on! Well... he stepped up to the plate and let me put makeup on him!! Tender I know... Well enough about my him I sure hope he knows how much I look up to him, love him, and admire him. I hope my children get a chance to meet him it puts love in your life no matter what!!
Dad you rock my socks!!
P.S I will proudly take on your roll of doing the best pranks to everyone. Thanks for all the tips! Love ya!!
My Valentine
To all you Valentine haters: GO AWAY NO ONE LIKES YOU EITHER!!
(The quality of this picture sucks!!)
There is nothing to hate about being married to this man! NOTHING! I dont see a point in Valentines Day because I dont think you need an excuse to show your spouse how much you love them. It needs to be done on a day to day basis and with him it is. He is such a hardworking, driven, generous, and handsome man. I could go on all day about him, I really could! I look at this picture and it just bring smiles to my face! It is the night we met on my 18th birthday and it has been one hell of a ride ever since! We look SO young I have such baby chub still!! *blushing* I knew from the moment we striked up converstation that this would be the man whom I'd spend forever with!! I have never known one man to work has hard as he does. I mean he would literally work 24/7, 350 if that meant giving me and our little family everyting we wanted and deserved. If it wasn't for him I have no idea where I would be today!
This place signifys a whole lot of things for me! Not only were my Grandparents married there but my parents were as well! My parents will be married almost 30 years this coming August! The love they have for each other is astonishing!! It almost makes me sick, after 30 years my parents still look at each other like they have never even been in love. They say you marry a man that reminds you of your dad and it is SO true in my case. My dad is hardworking, driven, generous, handsome, and not to mention funny as hell!! I can honestly say that he has NEVER done anything to intentionally hurt my moms, my sisters or my feelings EVER! I know Ryan looks up to him and I am so glad that he has such a great role model. Now getting back to the main MAN here!
If this picture doesn't do justice for how I felt on that day I dont know what does! All I could think of when I stepped onto the aisle was lets get this f"ing thing over with so I can have this man forever and ever and get on to Mexico where we can relax and enjoy each other. August 30th was the best day of my life and I am so glad through everything I can call Ryan Daniel mine! So if your reading this babe you are an amazing person with such a warm soul and I can't imagine spending this Valentines with anyone else! Your my best friend, confidant, soul mate, and role model! I can't wait to have babies with you so they can see how amaing you are too!! I love you so much thanks for everything!
modern day mama to a threenager, a pretty dream girl & wife to a farm boy. runner, triathlete & co-sleeper. coffee lover, renegade, & queen of sarcasm.