
A. AGE: 21 tomorrow!

B. BED SIZE: Queen


D. DOG'S NAME: Chewy and Gus Gus my dogs are cuter then yours! :p




H. HEIGHT: 5'0

I. INSTRUMENTS YOU PLAY: I have no artistic ability at ALL whatsoever!!

J. JOB: Human Resource Asisstant

K. KIDS: None yet!

L. LIVING ARRANGEMENTS: House in Salt Lake with my prince

M. MOM'S NAME: Cindy

N. NICKNAME: Sissy, Sassy, Small Fry...

O. OVERNIGHT HOSPITAL STAY: When I was a little wee one I had a bunch because of my epilepsy

P. PET PEEVE: I have too many.... lazy people, people who act holier then thou, old drivers, people with too many kids.

Q. QUOTE FROM A MOVIE: I have lots!


S. SIBLINGS: I big sis Danielle

T. TIME YOU WAKE UP: 7:30 I cannot get up before 7



W. WAYS/REASONS YOU ARE LATE: My hair I always have hair problems!!

X. XRAYS YOU'VE HAD: mouth, stomach, shins

Y. YUMMY FOOD YOU MAKE: I don't cook but I can bake cupcakes, cakes, breads.. mmm!!!

Dancing with the Stars

After going to see my niece and great Aunt last night I sat on the couch and caught up on Dancing with the Stars! I love this show, I love to see the outfits, the acting, and the songs!
She is still MY favorite! I love her and her sex appeal, but I do think her arm tattoo needs to go for sure!
Get it girl!! :]
I have a new favorite couple
Yep  thats right... Jake Pavelka is my new favorite!! He is so funky, charming, handsome, funny, and really shows his determination out on the dance floor which I think is Oh so attractive!! (Gimme Gimme!!!)

My niece was transferred to the NICU today so keep those prayers coming please! They think it could be turning into phneumonia so again please pray she needs all the prayers she can get.
Bless her little heart!

P.S My 21st birthday is tomorrow! Excited much? YES! Oh! and I have a cold from hell... thanks to my dad. GREAT early brithday present!! UGH!!


I need to ask a little favor.
Everyone please keep my baby niecey in your hearts and prayers. She was admitted into the hospital early Sunday morning for RSV. She is hooked up to feeding iv's and cannot breath on her own. She is so little and precious and needs all of the prayers she can get. I will be going to light a candle in her honor at our Catholic Cathederal tonight. Her parents are being so strong through this and they are great example to R and I as to what parents do in hard times. We love them both more then we could ever explain!
Okay... I need 2 prayers another one for my Great Aunt who came down with a cold which has turned into something much more and has been in the hospital since Thursday. The doctor doesn't think she will have a chance of walking again.. She is very dear to my heart and I wish her the best in the long journey of recovery she has ahead.

On a brighter note I had a fantastic weekend filled with egg dying, hunts, bunny houses (like a gingerbread house) and Easter cupcakes. I will post pictures when I get some time!

P.S My 21st birthday is on Wednesday!! Whoo  Hoo!!

First Award

Thanks to Mrs. G (one of my favorite bloggys) over at Go check her out she is a newlywed and we have lots in common!
She awarded yours truly with this baby:
::batting of my eyelashes::
For the "Beautiful Blogger" award you need to:

*Thank & link the person that gave you the award.
*Pass this award on to 15 fantastic bloggers
*Contact said Blogs and let them know they've won.
*State 7 things about yourself.

7 fabulous things about me

1. I CANNOT for the freaking life of me get up before 7:00 a.m (its literally impossible!)
2. I had all but 1 baby tooth puLLed
3. Nordstrom has been my favorite store since I was about 5 years old
4. I have 1 good GIRLfriend
5. I bite my bottom lip
6. I would die without my Blackberry
7. I set a state record in Track&Field

Now for my 15 favorite bloggy peeps:
1. Mrs. Maria at
2. Kristen at
3. Annie at
4. Maria at
5. Megan at
6. Mrs. Hattie at
7. Expat
8. Ashley at
9. Mal at
10. Kylie at
11. Gretch at
12. Sara at
13. Summer at 
14. Heather at
15. Kels at
Happy Friday Peeps!!

Babies... & that motherly instinct

I am beginning to think that I DO NOT have that "motherly instinct". I mean don't get me wrong I love my hubbs, and dogs and I think I mother them pretty well but when it comes to babies. I am scared shitless! Most women goo goo and gah gah over small babies right? Me on the other hand... I get sweaty palms, an unclear train of thought, and my chest caves in and I cannot breath! For me I think of it as what is so great about having something that poops and pukes on you, cries 24/7, keeps you up all night and can't tell you why they are crying?? I don't think this is a good trait to have! R is so good with little babies, he holds them, rocks them, talks to them, and me when I hold them I stiffen up as if its a plate out of my Nannas REALLY expensive China collection and no matter what the babe will cry when put into my arms!! I don't get it? I need to take like 3 Z bars when I go to see my sweet cute baby niecy! Its horrible!

   I should give myself a little bit of credit though.. when it comes to my 6 year old nephew "Cavvrito" I could sit and play with him for hours upon hours! Bubba my bff's little 2 year old is SO much fun! I love little kids just not babies? What is my deal??? I mean Prince Charming and I are far from having babies of our own BUT I am still scared for when we do! Will I adapt? Will my motherly instinct appear out of nowhere? My mom always tells me that baby can sense that I am uneasy so they end up crying and that I will not be uneasy with my own. I sure hope she is right. (Like she has been all of the 415546548974852 other times in my lifetime). Well until next time...

Wishful Wednesday

Happy Wednesday peeps! We are half way through the week! Praise the Lord Halleljiiuh!
My Wishful Wednesday is ALL about this:

1. Hubbs
2. The Beach
3. The Sun
4. A good tan
This was us in Mexico on our honeymoon (another post coming soon). I don't think we will be visiting Mexico anytime soon because of all the crazies and drug cartels
This place looks like freaking paradise
Welcome to beautiful sunny St. Lucia.
Does this place not looking AMAZING or what?
*imagining the sun on my skin*
A nice vacation somewhere warm and tropical sounds SO nice on a day like today. Even though its sunny here in good ol' Salt Lake City, there is a slight breeze and I don't like it! :[
Since R and I are saving up for a new fence, sod, a concrete patio, and a hot tub this is the last place we will be going! I guess Home Depot will have to do? For now that is, once our yard is done we are thinking about jetting off somewhere warm and tropical over Christmas. We hate having to split up Christmas between the families so we might pull a "Four Christmas'" and take off!
An even better idea would be for summer in SL,UT to come allfreakingready!!
program over.

Hubbs knows best...

if he "surprises" me with this beauty on my bday.
Ya know I am not that BIG of a watch fan but R just had to drag me into the dang watch store to look at them because he is. Fan is an understatement!
Me: "Since when is it your 21st birthday hmmm??"
Hubbs: "Everyday is my birthday."
Me: "Yeah okay"
::wishing i was browzing at the Nordstrom shoe rack::
**jaw drops**
Me to the watch sales man:  "Oh I must try that thing on"
Salesman: "Of course it will look great on those danty little wrists of yours."
Me under my breeath: "Danty? Who are you calling danty?"
As I put the watch on R walks out of the store to look at a watch in the window.
Me: "Ah hem.."
** Flashing and waving my wrist side to side to show R how good it looks.**
Hubbs: "Cute babe that looks good on your little wrists."
Me: "Okay well remember my birthday is in 1 1/2 week!"
Hubbs: "Yeah okay honey I have already bought you several things."
Me: "Umm......"
::thinking he better get this for me or I will have to come back and get it myself::
After all it is his fault for taking me into that damn store anyways.. So R if you are reading this I LOVE LOVE LOVE this watch! ;]
That is all for today folks.
Program over

Dancing with the Stars..

I was glued to my tube for a whole 2 hours last night! Okay.. not the full 2 hours I did pause it to stop and play hubbs in a round of darts. (I lost) However, I do give him a run for his money $$. Last week he lost and had to buy me a super cute sweater! :] I love beating him in things.. EVERYTHING.

     I have 2 favorite couples from last night
I MUST admit I loved watching her dance. Like the judges said all they could think about was "sex"! Well thats Pamela Anderson then right? Her pink dress and whipping blonde hair was amazing. Get it girl!

Niecy Nash..
She is just so funny and has so much spunk I love to see it come out on the dance floor and she sure can shaker her tail feather. You go girl!
Whoop Whoop!!
Yep.. thats my man! ;]


(Is this why nephew calls Ryan "Uncle Chop Chop"?) NO!!
50 Reasons Why I LOVE my husband <3

1. He never has anything negative to say about the people he loves. He would rather say nothing at all.
2. He can make me laugh at the drop of a hat.
3. He always has my back even if I am wrong.
4. He calls me his bestie.
5. He is starting to get the weird obsession that I have for our dogs.
6. He is a REAL good cook.
7. He is a Grandma's boy.
8. He wants to have 2 boys and wants to raise them Catholic.
9. When he is off hunting he calls me every morning to wake me up like he does when he is home.
10. In the Winter time he shovels off my car and warms it up.
11. He has to have his hair just so.
12. He is a dishwasher FREAK! The dishes have to be in just right.
13. He loves when my hair is a mess and calls me Medusa.
14. He is a mans man but loves getting pedicures with me!
15. He looks up to his Grandpa.
16. He has the upmost respect for his sisters.
17. He has NEVER left the toilet seat up.
18. Sometimes he will let me paint his toe nails and try cool designs!
19. He "thinks" he can beat me in a foot race.
20. He is never afraid to give me his opinion.
21. He is NOT controlling.
22. He farts even if we have company.
23. He has the WORST table manners I have ever seen!
24. When I need to cry he just lets me cry and tells me everything will be okay.
25. He HAS to wear button down collared shirts.
26. He loves watches and sunglasses.
27. He likes to do yard work.
28. He buys me flowers when I am least expecting it.
29. He is SO good with babies it makes my heart melt.
30. He lets me beat him up while we are wrestling!
31. He always stubs his toe.
32. He has morals and values that most men do not have.
33. When he looks at me I know I am the only girl who makes him googly eyed.
34. He CAN'T go cross eyed
35. He can make almost ANY voice in the book.
36. Sometimes he acts like a mexican.
37. He brags about how good I can clean to try to make up for my cooking.
38. He tells me I am beautiful every day.
39. He won't leave the house without giving me a kiss goodbye.
40. He is a country boy and some has the best work ethic.
41. He learns from others mistakes.
42. He will come to church with me. (Catholic that is)
43. He sings to me.
44. He understands that I MUST have a girls night every 3rd Saturday of the month and he does not call/text etc.
45. He loves my family.
46. Him and my dad are best buds.
47. He calls Pepsi's "Spinners"
48. He would work 4 different jobs if it meant giving us the things we needed and wanted.
49. He accepts me for me. Potty mouth and all.
50. Last but not least. I love the fact that he chose me to be his wife.

Those 50 things were really easy to come up with. This man is my whole life we have so much going for us and we are in such a great stage in our lives and I couldn't be more grateful for the things and people we have.


I love this betch. We have been bffs for our whole lives & I wouldn't change anything about it! She is ALWAYS here for me and ALWAYS knows how to make me laugh until we both pee our pants. literally.
(Whit if your reading this I know there has been a few times where you have tinkled in your panties! ;])
I just thought I'd do a little shoutout to the cooLest, prettiest, bestest mama in the whole wide world. Wait.. Did I not mention she has the cutest damn boy eva?

Baby Hungray...

After this lil' sweet thang came into this world
Its slightly hard not be baby hungry when your in such a good part of life. This is my gorgeous neice Addyson she arrived on Saturday and I can't help but to want to squeeze her cheeks aLL day long! I just love and adore her and I can't wait till I can take her to get pedicures and her prom dresses and all that fun girly stuff while Dad, Uncle Chop Chop and Pey stay home!!
Here is our version of our little babe I hope hubbs is okay with him for the next few years! Damn you Jessica in making us slightly baby hungry!
Gus Gus

I can't play dress up with him, or take him on walks because his ass is too fat and lazy, and his farts make your freaking eyes water but in my heart he is my little babe and I am perfectly content with him. I think he will be okay with being the only baby for a couple more years! :]


AGAIN, I am sitting here talking about a devilish treat that keeps me coming back for more and more every damn day (I am chowin on em at this exact moment!)
These things:
why are the "Spring" ones so much more delish then the others? If I keep pigging out on these there wil be NO this:

my be-loved bikini! If I hadn't inherited such a sweet tooth from my old man maybe I wouldn't be such a little stress baLL trying to get in as much time at the gym, on my bike, and running around as I have been!! 3 months until the pooLs open I better lay off the oreos, doughnuts, candy, chocolate, chips, and cheesebugas and focus on the TREADMILL and doing my 100+ sit/ups a day!! I have the worst diet in this world hopefully it doesn't catch up to me and I can maintain my 100pd weight for the next umpteen years. However I do need to start doing some mad cruncthes or I am afraid I will start to get that horrid "muffin top" did I just say muffin? :Nom Nom Nom:
I am a suga addict.
the end.


I stole this from Meant to be Mom! Everyone should check out her profile she has the cutest little fam!! ;]

Here goes: OUR STORY

1. What are your middle names? Mine is Elizabeth his is Daniel

2. How long have you been together? 3 1/2 years this month!

3. How long did you know each other before you started dating? a couple months it was almost instant that we knew we were though! ;]

4. Who asked who out? Well if you want to get technical I asked Ryan and his friends to join us at my birthday dinner and from there he took the reins!

5. How old are each of you? I am almost 21! and he is 22.

6. Did you go to the same school? Nope!

7. Are you from the same home town? No way! He is from the country in Idaho and I am a city girl!  SLC

8. Who is the smartest? Ryan without a doubt!

9. Who majored in what? Niether of us we are smart on our own! ;]

10. Who is the most sensitive? He is really sensitive he just doesn't like to admit it! I get over things to quickly to be sensitive!

11. Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple? We went to Mexico for our honeymoon so probably there!! I don't know how I was with him for 4 hours on such a tight plane!! ;]

12. Who has the worst temper? Me! No ands, if, or buts about it.

13. How many children do you want? We want 3. 2 boys and 1 girl we have to get some Barras boys into this fam!!

14. Who does the cooking? Ryan! I stay OUT of the kitchen its best for EVERYONE!

15. Who is more social? Me Me Me.

16. Who is the neat freak? He is he has to have everything just so. It kinda gets annoying!!

17. Who is the most stubborn? Like I woudl admit to being stubborn!!
(Wait? Did I just kinda?)

18. Who wakes up earlier? He does! I HATE HATE HATE getting out of bed! It is impossible for me to get up before 7 a.m!

19. Where was your first date? Joe's Crab Shack! <3

20. Who has the bigger family? Hmmm... I would say its even!!

21. Do you get flowers often? Yes too often!! He always surprises me with them though so its a good thing!

22. How do you spend the holidays? We switch its either Utah or Idaho.

23. Who is more jealous? Neither of us are really jealous there is no reason to be!

24. How long did it take to get serious? Like marriage serious... about a year.

25. Who eats more? Me? Yeah I hate to admit it but overall I probably eat more! :s

26. What do you do for a living? Ryan his a "gas man" for questar gas. I am an HR assistant!

27. Who does the laundry? I do! He CANNOT touch it! If any of my clothes get ruined I freak out! I do make him carry in the hamper to the laundry room though!

28. Who's better with the computer? Me he has no patience!
29. Who drives when you are together? Always him! He bitches when I drive.. but whenever he is driving and I want to talk to him he never really wants to talk BUT when I am in the middle of a good magazine article or a book he will want to chit chat all freaking day!!

30. What is your song? Once in a Lifetime by Keith Urban....


Some people have NO life! I have had some blog stalkers that have nothing else to do with their lives then "blog stalk" I am thinking about going private.... so maybe they will get the hint to find something else to do with their poor pitiful lives... To those of you who have decided to go private... is it as difficult as it seems?!

Thanks! :]