So so precious I love her more then she will ever ever know! GEEZEERS!! I can't freaking believe that I have NOT mentioned our best friends had their baby on January 27th weighing in at 8 pds and 9 oz he is so freaking precious and is a spitting image of his dad! Take a loooky:
Your drooling right? I am! Okay okay.... off of my bragging box now it all started out in Tarjayy... yes that damn store! If it doesn't get my bank account it gets my freaking emotions going I mean really ladies do any of us go to Target and not look through the baby section I DON'T!! So hubs and I were in there a couple nights ago doing some exchanges and bummin' and of course I had to stop in the baby clothes aisle to look at outfits for both of the babies in my life! As we came across the diaper section husband wanted to just look to see what the cost monthly would be.. then we moved to formula.. then we moved to the BIG stuff like cribs, strollers, bassinets... all that good stuff! Now before I go any further I must stop and say that husband has NEVER been the type to bring up baby talk he is not a fan of the thought of having babies nor as he ever approached me with some sort of plan or anything, given we talked about having kids before we got married and we both decided on at least 4 or 5 years from now... BUT since we have had such adoring babies in our lives lately it's hard not to think about it so... he hugged me around the waist and told me "I want you to know I wouldn't mind having babies with you right now" OMG my heart fluttered and I almost dropped to my knees, that was a true weak in the knees from your prince charming moment!! So we got home and talked about it a little more and of course a rain cloud came over me as husband told me that he just doesn't feel financially save with TTC yet! Okay woah woah woah hold up here... you just told me one thing but you really mean another? Way to piss me off Barras! Of course there was a little but of an argument and maybe even a night of going to bed without saying good night to each other... bad I know!!
The next day at work I seemed to be in such a funk and I think R caught onto that too! Luckily my best friend was there to talk me through things and my sister in law gave me a lot of advice! Of course I just don't want to have babies because all of my friends and family are I want to have kids because husband and I are truly ready for them and truly ready to devote the next 20 plus years to them and give them everything that we were so grateful to have! Moving right along with the story sister in law and I were going through this on Friday..
Husband doesn't believe in it but after telling him that we looked at EVERYONE we knows... he started to look and chart ours... now I wasn't getting my hopes up too high but I did get into it a little so here is our plan and please please please give me your thoughts and opinions and things that you wish you would have done or things you would have done differently!
Summer 2011- We are going to get a new roof, sprinkler and sod our backyard, get a new cement patio, patio set, fire pit, all the works.
Fall 2011- We want to do a tiny bit of remodeling to our kitchen, get carpet in our 3 bedrooms, stain and polish our wood floors, Go on a cruise, and save for Christmas and have our first appointment with my OB and discuss our options and get a good solid plan on the baby makin! (;
Spring 2012- I will get off my birth control as advised by my doc and I will start tracking my cycles.. I feel like this is going to be hard for me since I have always been so athletic and haven't ever really had a method of tracking because they are sooo sporadic! We also plan on having husbands truck paid off by mid Summer!
We are going to try and shoot for the Sept, Oct, Nov months of my 23rd year so we may hopefully get a BOY!! I think if we have the truck paid off or at least close we could maybe shoot for the month of July! Maybe that's just wishful thinking!! Please share your thoughts on this with me! If you can't tell I am pretty antsy and excited!!
Oh, & I must share that as of today we are 95% out of our credit card debt!! When we got married we were in about $11,000 in debt... now today we are in $3,000 in just 2 short years we have knocked the debt out of our lives and it's such a refresher! I love the feeling!
I just want to take a moment to thank my wonderful loving and LOGICAL husband for wanting to give me and our future children the whole world and every little detail that comes with it! I know I will never have to go without! I love him so much!!
If your still reading this thanks for sticking around haha and share your comments!! (:
Happy Monday!
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