32 weeks!

How far along?
32 weeks + 5 days!!
Total weight gain/loss:
Jesus Christ I do not feel like putting this on the world wide web!
I've surrendered. Unisom is a twice a week thing and damn I sleep good!
Best moment this week:
Well this week has been a whirl wind to say the least! Krew had us in L&D for more then 3 hours!
He is very vicious and strong!
Unfortunately we have had lots! Post below!
Food cravings:
Pancakes, and french toast!!

Food aversions:
Red Meat still.


Labor Signs:
Post below!

Belly Button in or out?
It's officially FLAT!

What I miss:
I'm not sure anymore. I miss feeling normal, being my normal on the go self? I've finally taken a back seat and am letting Krew call all of the shots!!
What I am looking forward to:
I have a follow up doctors appointment tomorrow!

Weekly Wisdom:
Chill the F out!!
I just need to make it at least 5 more weeks with this little one in me. I will be full term and he is free to come! I'm finally off my butt and cleaning all of his clothes and will install the car seat as soon as I get my car detailed!


Ello lovies,
Remember me? Crazy girl who swears a lot and is trying to cook a baby? Yeah, I'm here still here almost 33 weeks pregnant and trying to get my bean as cooked as possible! I have been MIA the past few days since our baby moon and the little scare we had that landed us in L&D with contractions and a very stressed out babe. I want to get this blog post in so I do not forget any details on this journey our little man has decided to take us on. So here it goes.

Monday morning I was cramping REALLY bad when I was driving to work I didn't think much of it since I haven't really had a break since vacation. Always on the go go go. I worked through the cramping until about 1:00 when I called my hubbs in tears. For him to tell me that I must be in a lot of pain to be crying really struck me. You're right I'm not much of a crier or a baby per say so I best get my booty home and try to relax. I arrived home around 2 and laid on the couch, took a Tylenol, and tried to take it easy. I just didn't feel right, I knew deep down that something was wrong so I made a call to my nurse and she told me to head straight to L&D. That I did, and thinking back I'm not sure how I drove myself there. Of course, hubby was unreachable at work at the time. I was freaking.out!!

So I checked myself into L&D, put the robe on, and let the nurse grope me to put the proper monitors on me. After about 10 minutes of them monitoring me I was having an oxygen mask flung on me, my legs spread apart, and them telling me that baby had quite the story for them and that I just needed to stay calm. At this point I am scared so scared and I just wanted a familiar face by my side. Luckily, my sweet nurse was able to get a hold of hubby and he headed my way. To make my long story short  I was having "irritability" contractions that were 5-7 minutes apart, they figured I was maybe dehydrated so they pumped liquids into me, my contractions still didn't take a back seat, they thought I had maybe an infection but my labs came back and that was ruled out. They did a strep b test and that came back negative as well. After being fed meds after meds to keep my contractions down and regulate, Krew's heartbeat was finally stable again. They did give me a steroid shot hoping to help his lungs develop "quicker" and stronger. I had a shot of morphine and was sent home with meds to keep my contractions regulated. So, I am on "moderate" bed rest and can go to work if I am feeling up to it. After talking with husband we decided it was best for me to start working part time so I went in to the office this morning and spoke with my boss, he was more then sweet and understanding and just told me to do what I felt best to have a healthy baby. As of today I am officially a part timer. I am happy with my decision. At this point helping Krew grow stronger is my #1 priority. If I start having labor signs after the 26th of October they will go ahead and induce me and will not prolong labor! I go for a check up tomorrow and will hopefully have more answers!

It's getting close and I am getting excited and anxious! Keep my sweet baby in your prayers as he still has 5 weeks till we are full term! I'm going to try and make it back tonight with a bump post! Love you all!!


31 weeks!

I know I know, I need to update my blog more with something NOT bump/pregnancy related! I swear my life has revolved around this little man I have been growing for the past few months now! I eat, sleep, breathe, and think about Krew 24/7 I can't wait to see his sweet little face and tickle those precious feet he likes to have shoved in me at night!!

How far along?
31 weeks! If I say 60 more days it seems shorter to me! (:
Total weight gain/loss:
I think I am at about 23ish pounds I gain then lose it's really weird. I am going to talk to my doctor on Wednesday to make sure all is healthy!
What the freak is that? This past week my sleep has been TOTALLY whack! It's sad I love my sleep! I really hate having to take a sleep aide but I am seriously considering it, especially with 8 or 9 more weeks of work.
Best moment this week:
I am excited for my doctors appointment! I am interested in seeing if he has turned and his growth I haven't been in a month and it seems like forever ago!
Oh this little guy sure is active! I love love love it! Even when he hits my sciatic nerve I love being able to feel him and being reminded of what this little thing inside of me and what a blessing he has been to my husband and I!
This weekend has been one for the books, I didn't do anything yet I swear I ran a marathon! I've been so fatigued and have been having MAJOR back aches. Hot baths make me sick, and I can't get comfortable. 60 days Sarah!
Food cravings:
None this week actually, maybe a little mac n cheese, oh and thanks to my sister in law freaking Garden Salsa god damn SunChips! Yum!
Food aversions:
Red Meat still.
 Labor Signs:
None my BH's come and go
Belly Button in or out?
It's officially FLAT!
What I miss:
Being comfortable? Sleeping on my belly!
What I am looking forward to:
Our baby moon! We leave on Thursday!!

Weekly Wisdom:
I need to keep reminding myself to take it easy and not over due things. It's just my personality to feel like I have to be superwoman.
No real BIG milestones. I am hoping he has turned head down so I can count that in next week! Wish me luck on the 5 hour drive to Boise and back! Good thing I have Gossip Girl!!

Gossip Girl

I caved I mother effing caved!!

(yeah I can't stand Blair so I left her out)
My BFF is the one whom got me hooked in the first place. & for this she needs a punch in the face ::punch here:: I do love her though.
I am almost through Season 1 and I started on Sunday! Lucky for me, this pregnancy is really starting to kick my ars and when I get home at night all I wanna do is lay on my couch so this is perfect! I catch up on GG through Netflix on my laptop and hubbs can still watch his NFL games. Happy marriage I'd say!
I'm kind of disappointed in myself I don't usually jump on the bandwagon to these stupid time consuming things but I think back and I was crazy for not starting earlier.
I must say I LOVE Chuck & Nate, and kinda sorta Dan. I can't really handle too much of little J or Blair. That being said my lack of blogging is all because of this little obsession!

30 Weeks!!

Okay, there is no way I ONLY have 10 more weeks before I meet my little man. I mean 10 weeks give or take! It seems SO far but SO close when I think of all the things I have to do! We are going on our baby moon next week/weekend and I can't wait! I'd say I'm starting to embrace how big my bump is getting! Krew likes to jam to Lil Wayne, Drake, Rihanna, & of course The Doobie Brothers he is for sure my dads Grandson!
How far along?
30 weeks!! WTF!
Total weight gain/loss:
Back up to 20 pounds I go do the doctor next week so we will see what she has to say! Hopefully I gain a pd a week here on out!

Jesus I have been so busy and so "nesty" I literally melt into my bed at night! The mornings suck though I'm so sore & so tired I think I could lay there all day!!

Best moment this week:
I've managed to get A LOT done in his nursery we just have a few little things & will need to pack our bags cook a little longer sweet boy!

LOTS & LOTS! I love it! Well okay, he gets into my left hip a lot and gives it a good kick!! Plus my right rib is ALWAYS on fire especially when I sit at my desk for a long time. I like his kicks though it's kinda like he is saying hi or "hi yaw"

My burning hip and frequent braxton hicks are back! & holy F my acne!!
Food cravings:
Krispy Kremes man. Ugh.

 Food aversions:
Red Meat, I consider myself a semi veg. I will choke down chicken.
Labor Signs:
Do Braxtons count?

Belly Button in or out?
At this point I don't think it's going to come out anymore! I should probably get a picture of it to look back on. My mom and husband are weirdly obsessed with it. My sister pokes it.

What I miss:
Being skinny?? Yep. Skinny.

What I am looking forward to:
Our baby moon & freaking November!!

Weekly Wisdom:
Sleep Sleep Sleep.
I can't ever and will never get enough of it again!

Every week that passes is a milestone I think. I'm finally getting to the uncomfortable point so I'm trying to stay positive! Plus it's starting to cool down here in SLC hopefully that helps my mood! (:
I must share this!
10, 20, 30

Fridays Letters

Dear husband,
 I am so proud of you. You have been cigarette free for almost 8 months, you have lost a substantial amount of weight and you have cut back on your drinking all for baby Krew. I can't thank you enough and am so happy you have finally jumped on my crazy families running/healthy train!! 70 more days!!
Dear person who tried to comment on my blog as an "unknown" source,
If you have the balls to comment poorly on my blog have the balls to at least show your face/admit who you are.
Dear Work,
Thanks for letting me get some overtime in tomorrow! Cha-Ching!
Dear Weather,
Please permit accordingly so husband, dad, and uncle can get our new roof put on this weekend!

If you can't handle the heat

Get out of the kitchen. ::no pun intended ms. simps.

I recently read on the Internet that Jessica Simpson "gained too much weight" during her pregnancy. Now, it isn't all coming off and she is wondering how/why it happened? Please read the article for yourself HERE.

Really Jessica? With all of the money you have, you couldn't have hired a pregnancy nutritionist? You couldn't have had someone cook for you more healthy meals then macaroni & cheese with ketchup?
Let me quote "I let myself indulge in everything I wanted because it was the first time I was ever pregnant, and I wanted to enjoy it. I wanted to be happy and eat what I wanted" I get that; I really do being 30 weeks, pregnant for the first time, and hungry ALL the time I understand how someone would just want to indulge. For me, I feel differently I knew that once I got pregnant I wasn't going to use it as an excuse to eat everything and anything. I've gotten a lot of slack for not gaining enough weight or not eating all of the food on my plate, I'm healthy, my baby is healthy & and my doctor is happy with my weight gain. I feel as though (and this is just MY opinion) a lot of women get caught up in eating everything and remaining "fat" for years to come it's not a good excuse to me. I still want to be able to identify myself aside from having a child and giving birth. Sure, it's a miracle and I am so very blessed to be able to endure such a thing BUT I am a women I do like to feel sexy and skinny and do want to wear cute clothes and a bikini again. I've always been one to eat healthy of course I indulge in ice cream, movie popcorn, chips and all of the goods but I know when enough is enough. I've trained my body to have the metabolism that it has.
I guess I just don't understand how someone finds out they are pregnant and goes on a ravishing eating binge. I don't starve myself and I enjoy food more then I should. Working full time and preparing for Krew hasn't given me all the time in the world to workout therefore I have to watch what I eat. Of course, I can always make time to exercise and think it's a crucial part of my health but ya know I sacrifice not indulging in unhealthy foods so that I don't have to take that extra time out of my day to exercise. I give and take if you will. I may have some mixed opinions on this topic but to each their own right? I just think you can be healthy and pregnant and be able to kick that baby weight off right after. It's all in what you eat! I'm hoping to look back on this post in Feb close to my goal weight of 107 again I understand my body is never going to be the same but I can sure as shit do everything in my power to be at or close to my goal healthy weight again. I have a family vacation in June & a triathlon in July! Hopefully all of my healthy eating pays off come November! Until next time...


29 weeks!!

How far along?
29 weeks!
Total weight gain/loss:
For some reason I am down 3 pounds! So I'm up 20 pounds from my pre pregnancy weight which I feel really good about! I can't wait to get back into the gym again though!
This past week has been really good with the exception of Friday night! I do wake up sore as hell but I can't complain because I've been mostly sleeping all the way through the night! I've been so busy lately that when I hit the pillow I am out.
Best moment this week:
My baby shower! I am waiting on pictures back from the photographer so as soon as I get those I will do a full shower recap! It was amazing and I was so happy to see my family and friends come out and support Krew and I!
Oh my dearest little Krew you LOVE mamas left hip and right ribs! You're a little stinker and I am getting a taste of my own meds already! I do love you though!
I've had an amazingly good week minus the burning rib pain I get if I am sitting at my desk for too long! I feel the fatigue and exhaustion coming back though!
Food cravings: 
This weekend I have been craving Mc. Donalds which is the nastiest craving ever to me! If I know something is unhealthy I really try to avoid giving in to my cravings! I am loving grilled pb&j sandwiches though!

 Food aversions:
Red Meat
Labor Signs:
Belly Button in or out?
It's 95% out!

What I miss:
Still running and not having all of the little aches and pains that comes with pregnancy!

What I am looking forward to:
Our trip to Boise at the end of the month! Wahoo for vacation!!
Weekly Wisdom:
Keep Calm
Call Mom
I am just amazed that I've already had my baby shower and the nursery is almost done! It's so crazy to me I never thought I would be this far along!
I've seriously had such an awesome weekend, probably the best weekend I have had in a really long time! Maybe since my wedding weekend? It's all been so much fun and it's all gone by so fast! I'm so lucky to have spent every single second of it with my amazing supportive husband and to have family loving and supporting us through the way! The nursery is almost finished and I will try and do a full tour on that as soon as it's finished!
Boise lost on Friday night! Not a good time in the Barras household!
The only picture hubbs & I got at my shower which was after driving home in the car! I love him so much!
I think the first thing we did baby wise after our shower was put the stroller together! I am so obsessed with this car seat stroller combo! It's so light and easy to assemble with just one hand! I can't wait to take it out on the streets and it looks so slick! Nothing but swagg for my only son!
I hope none of you labored to hard on this Labor Day! I had the day off and have spent it running errands and laying around with hubbs! My house smells just like dreft & I am about to go enjoy a bbq with my sweet little family! I am very very grateful for the place I am in my life.