Birth Story- LoLo

I am going to back track this to Wednesday May 13th. I left work early because people in my office were sick & this mama was not about to risk catching a cold so close to my due date. I spent the day laying in bed by myself. That night I had some pretty serious cramping, it had me thinking oh man this is IT! Come Thursday morning they had tapered off and I was doing my usual chores around the house, I was so bummed. Granted I was only 37 weeks but my doctor kept assuring me that I was going to have the baby ANY DAY! Once Krew was asleep Ryan and I were sitting on the couch and I jokingly told him that Friday was the day! It would give him almost 2 weeks off of work if I had her on a weekend. Thursday night came and I woke around midnight with a contraction. I had another one around 5:00 am and another close to 5:45. They were pretty strong, instead of laying in bed I decided to get up and walk around the house. I was not about to let those contractions let up like they did on Wednesday! I walked and walked.. Once it was time for Ryan to go to work I sent him on his way, he hesitated but went anyway. I didn't ACTUALLY think I was going to have baby that day. I can't tell you how many times I walked up and down my stairs and through my hallway into the kids' bedrooms. I was actually tired from walking but I didn't want to lay down because I was nervous it would make the contractions go away. I text a few friends updates and each one strongly encouraged me to go in. Around 9:30 I was having extremely painful contractions every 5-8 minutes. I refused to go in, I didn't want to be sent home. Ryan kept checking in on me, I finally told him to come home and he replied saying if he were to come home we were going to the hospital. So I told him to stay at work! The contractions were still bearable enough I could breathe through them. Close to 15 minutes later I was furiously texting Ryan to hurry home. The contractions were so unbearable I knew I was going to have a baby in the next 24 hours, I laid down and worked through them with my breathing and as soon as Ryan got home I was going to jump in the bath. Looking back I am so glad I labored at home. I was alone, calm, and was able to do things at my own pace. I even had time to snap my 37 week bump picture. I didn't think at the time I was actually in labor!

Ry got home and walked in the bedroom and saw me shriveled in pain on the bed and immediately started loading the car and changed his work clothes. I was fine with waiting and laboring at home but he knew I needed to get in and be seen. We walked slowly to the car and once in the car I had the most painful contraction of all time, in that moment I was so thankful we lived 2 minutes from the hospital. The thought never crossed my mind that I could potentially not have time for an epidural. Once we got to the hospital and checked in we were told I was at a 6 and if I wanted the epidural I needed it within minutes. The anesthesiologist had no time to go through the proper paperwork with me, I mean I was just raging in pain. He did explain that he would need to administer the medication they give to c-section patients to ensure it hit fast enough and strong enough. Five minutes later I was still feeling extreme pain in my left hip so he had to up the dosage again and after a few minutes I was pain-free. I always turn into a wisecrack when medicated. Ryan should have recorded me. I was actually calm, but so excited to meet my daughter! We had always planned on my older sister being in the room with us so as soon as we found out baby would be coming we immediately called her. Ryan told her she didn't have much time. She boogied there man!

I remember her walking in and I thought to myself "Ok, let's do this"! I don't remember how long I was at the hospital until I started pushing, but I do remember the encouragement I felt from my sister and Ryan. One hour later at 11:37 AM on 05/15/2015 our little angel baby was born and placed on my chest. I was never able to have skin to skin with Krew because he was not breathing properly when he came out. I remember kissing her sweet head and just staring at her, I couldn't believe I actually had a daughter! I was filled with so much love, happiness, & excitement. I also couldn't stop thinking about Krew, I couldn't wait for him to meet her. It had been a long 9 months and we, especially him talked about her non-stop. I was in such a dream land for that first hour of skin to skin. We had a photographer coming to snap pictures of Krew meeting his baby sissy for the first time and I couldn't contain my excitement. I felt REALLY good. Way better than I remember feeling after I had Krew. We decided we didn't want to share any pictures of her until Krew met her, so here she is. My beautiful, spunky, sassy, baby girl.

3 6 weeks!!

How far along? 36 weeks!
At my doctors appt last Tuesday I was 2.5 cm and 90% effaced. I was told I could have her Friday or I could waddle around until I hit 40 weeks. With the way I make babies "really small" she will not induce until after 40! 

Weight gain: A whopping 30 pds. I know I have gained more but will know tomorrow  when I go for my weekly. With Krew I never made it to my 37 week check up!

Maternity clothes? Yep.

Stretch marks? None but I am so damn itchy it drives me crazy! I try my best to stay moisturized! 

Sleep: Lately per my doctor I've been taking 1/2 a Unisom and I don't wake up drowsy. I don't sleep all night though I get up 2-3 times to pee.

Best moment this week: Celebrating Mother's Day with my boys and my mom of course.

Miss Anything? Exercise. Beer.

Movement: Her feet are up in my left side. She is pretty strong and they sometimes hurt!

Food cravings: Still don't feel like eating a lot anymore.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Hot baths still, if I wake up to fast I get sick or if I over excrete myself.

Gender: GIRL!

Labor Signs: I have 1-2 good contractions every hour or so.
Symptoms: BH's all day erryday

Belly Button in or out? It's out.

Wedding rings on or off? It depends on the day!


Looking forward to: Seeing my sweet babe! 

35 weeks!

How far along? 35 weeks with 35 days left to go!

Weight gain: At my doctors appt 1.5 weeks ago I was up 27 pds. I can't even fathom what the scale will do to me when I go back in next week! I am REALLY hoping that baby girl has a couple extra ounces more than her big brother did! I am really starting to mind the fat face, love handles, and arms though. I mean really.

Maternity clothes? Always. I have 3-4 things that I feel comfortable in. Everything else can go burn in hell.

Stretch marks? None! Still! I so have to resist the urge to itch though. I lotion up at work and I just wonder what the person in the stall next to me is thinking.. What are all those sounds? ha ha

Sleep: I take a half of Unisom on the weekends to at least get some sleep. I know I don't get into a deep sleep though. I have been waking with the sorest hips and some pretty bad headaches! I know my time to relax and sleep is super limited though!

Best moment this week: Our sprinkler system and sod should be in and ready by Sunday! Which means I get Ryan back! So excited!

Miss Anything? Exercise, rough housing with the boys, my lungs at regular capacity.

Movement: I don't feel her as much as I use to and I know it's because she is getting bigger! When I do feel her it's pretty painful!

Food cravings: I don't feel like eating much anymore.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Too hot of baths, soda, hamburger.

Gender: GIRL!

Labor Signs: Still have BH's all day everyday! I go into the doctor on Tuesday. Last time I was there I was at a 2 and 80%.

Symptoms: BH's all day erryday

Belly Button in or out? It's out. Like literally out.

Wedding rings on or off? On

Mood: Nervous. Anxious. Excited.

Looking forward to: Mine and hubbys last official date night tomorrow!


3 4 weeks!!

How far along? 34 weeks!!

Weight gain: I have gained a WHOPPING 27 pds. Like seriously this is real life. I am so hoping baby girl has a lot more weight to her then Krew did. I am shocked about my weight gained but proud. I can't stop eating this time around which is fine. I eat until I am content. I am trying not to worry about the number. I know I am driven enough to rid of it once she is here and healthy. My #1 focus is having her healthy.

Maternity clothes? Yes! I have 2 dresses that I love and when I am home with Krew I am in leggins and a t-shirt. I sleep in underwear and a sports bra. 

Stretch marks? None! 

Sleep: It sucks, if I nap with Krew I wake up sick. Lately, the past 3 mornings I have woken up with a blinding headache! It's awful! I cannot get comfortable anymore and my hips just ache!

Best moment this week: I have baby girls bag, my bag and Krews bag packed and ready to go!

Miss Anything? Running, A cold beer, Laying on my tummy, My clothes.

Movement: I'm feeling her less and less. She's running out of womb.

Food cravings: Cereal and Sandwiches.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing.

Gender: GIRL!

Labor Signs: I've been having BH's like crazy still but they are not making me progress which is a good sign! If I go into labor now, my doctor will not stop it or try to prolong it. How crazy is that?

Symptoms: BH's all day erryday

Belly Button in or out? It's out. 

Wedding rings on or off? On

Mood: Nervous. My biggest fear this week is Krew changing. He is my baby and will grow into a big brother over night!

Looking forward to: Labor!

3 2 weeks!

How far along? 32 weeks!!

Weight gain: Finally tipping the 20 pd mark and I am just so proud!

Maternity clothes? Yes! Always, I am loving dresses too! Our weather is so bipolar it's hard to get a good idea on what I can and can't use day by day. I do know I refuse to buy more maternity clothes!

Stretch marks? None! Still oiling and applying lotion 3-4 times a day!

Sleep: I have to take a Tylenol PM maybe twice a week. It's those nights I get enough sleep to get me through the week! I have been much better about napping with Krew though. Housework can wait, naps can't!

Best moment this week: We FINALLY did some more laundry for baby girl and got a pretty good idea clothes wise what we still need to get for her!

Miss Anything? I just miss not having an achy back, being able to shave my legs, and mostly just being normal again.

Movement: Oy, she's a strong little thing! Her kicks hurt a lot of the time. I am fortunate that she is not up in my ribs like Krew was!

Food cravings: Nothing really this week.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing.

Gender: GIRL!

Labor Signs: I've been having BH's like crazy! I had a doctors appointment on Tuesday and I am already dilated to a 1 and 50% effaced. I am barely skimming past the bed rest point and I go in 2 weeks to have steroid shots to help her little lungs develop a little more!

Symptoms: BH's all day erryday

Belly Button in or out? It's out. 

Wedding rings on or off? On but slightly tight!

Mood: Excited! Ready to feel like ME again!

Looking forward to: Our baby sprinkle tomorrow and organizing things! Hospital bags must be packed ASAP!


Our last holiday as a family of 3! How exciting right?! To be honest, I am nervous. Maybe a little sad. I will feel so guilty for feeling this way, but I assume once baby lady is here all of these fears will disappear. In my defense, I love it being just us 3. Our nightly routine of dinner, & clean-up, Krews new favorite thing is to put the soap cube in the dishwasher, close it, then close the dishwasher. He says "No, let me do it." After cleanup, we head upstairs. At least every other night he needs a bath, ya know a good soak just to get the dirt off. He always asks me to bath with him. I happily oblige. Then we all snuggle in our king bed so tightly. Sometimes we watch Disney movies, sometimes we just play and Krew dances and does jumping jacks for us. Sometimes he plays his annoying games on the iPad. Then we do a family kiss and fall into a deep sleep. Yes, we still co-sleep, yes it will probably be hell with a newborn, no I don't want your opinion. I am going to miss these times. Just us 3.

We are so in the groove of things, just us 3. We have our own routines, our own silly jokes. I am nervous of losing these. Not having them with my sweet innocent 2.5 year old little boy, I am nervous that I won't take the time to stick my nose in his neck crevice and smell his sweet, sweaty, boy self. I am nervous that the second he turns into a big brother he will lose all sweet innocence, I am nervous that my husband and I will slowly lose time for ourselves and most importantly each other. All of these thoughts have me bursting into tears.

I don't do well with change and as much as I keep telling myself how wonderful, fantastic, and awesome this new journey is going to be I am so damn nervous, so sad. I'm really leaning on my family and my friends to help me push through this change in my life, my best friend Whitney for always giving me advice just the way I need it delivered. My sister in law Jess for her honest, blunt, and loving advice, she usually has the right things to say. And of course my mom who knows me better than anyone else.

This Easter I found myself cherishing every little thing that went into our day. I will always hold these pictures so close to my heart.

Maternity Pictures

During my last pregnancy I wasn't confident enough to get maternity pictures taken. I wish someone had made me just do it. This pregnancy is totally different, I feel way better rockin' my bump and I love to show it off. I honestly credit my confidence to motherhood. I love being a mom and cannot wait to be a mother to a little girl! We will have one of each and honestly it is beyond my wildest dreams! When the most amazing, talented, beautiful person inside and out reached out to me about modeling a dress in an orchard field for a maternity shoot with Krew I was blown away! We never had a set date until about 3 days before because Utah's weather is super unpredictable and we wanted the blooms at their very best! Well they were initially going to be taken on Thursday we took them Wednesday night! I got off work after a 10 hour day, I had been nauseous ALL dang day, I forgot shoes, and we left Krews shirt on the table! We had like 30 minutes before the shoot and luckily found a Target for a shirt for Krew! The shoot ended up being AMAZING! I froze my buns off but after 20 minutes or so I was use to the cold!

If you are in Utah you must go check out for ALL portraits you need taken. Her soft, airy style meets mine so perfectly! We have a shoot scheduled with her for when Krew meets his baby sissy! I hope you like these as much as I do, I cannot thank Marissa enough for the fun opportunity! There is also a short video on my instagram (sarah.barras)

These are just a few of the many she took! I mean is she amazing or what?!


30 w e e k s!!

(29 weeks with my little lover boy!)

How far along? 30 weeks!!

Weight gain: I'm up 18 pounds! Still feeling like chasing Krew everywhere and always being on the go is keeping the scale down. Which honestly, if my doctor says I am fine then I am happy with it! With Krew I was up 20-23 pds.

Maternity clothes? Yes! Yes! Yes!

Stretch marks? No, praise the lawd!

Sleep: My 3 10 hour works days really take it out of me. I sleep ok, I get up 4-5 times a night to pee and sometimes have a hard time falling back asleep! I LOVE to sleep in and take naps with Krew though!

Best moment this week: We've had a heck of a week. Ryan's been working late and we've just been trying to push through. It's been one of those!

Miss Anything? My back is constantly hurting. Like always. I miss rolling all over the floor with the boys, and running, and not peeing when I sneeze!

Movement: Her movements are starting to her A LOT more. Since she is getting bigger they are getting stronger! She likes to hang out in my left hip area!

Food cravings: Cold cereal!!!

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing.

Gender: GIRL!

Labor Signs: Nada, my exercise and lifting of Krew needs to subside in 2 weeks. Per doctors order!

Symptoms: No fortunately!

Belly Button in or out? It's out. 

Wedding rings on or off? It depends! Last week they were off, this week they are on!

Mood: Nervous, Anxious.

Looking forward to: My birthday weekend and spending time with my family!!

(10, 20, 30)


2 8 w e e k s!

How far along? 28 weeks!

Weight gain: I had my last monthly appointment last Wednesday and will now be seen every 2 weeks! How crazy right?! I am up 16 pds from my pre-pregnancy weight. Looking back with Krew HERE I was up 20-23 pds. My doctor said I am healthy and on track as far as my weight goes so I am happy with it! I think chasing a toddler and working full time is helping keep the #'s down though. I can't just eat a doughnut and lay on the couch! Sure would be nice though! I do want to note that I am super nervous about losing the weight after my 2nd baby. Everyone I have talked to have told me how hard it is. We will see! I am pretty determined! 

Maternity clothes? I cannot fit into regular jeans. I do still fit into some of my shirts which is nice to change it up. I am starting to wear more dresses as the weather gets warmer! When I am home I just wanna be in my sweats of course!

Stretch marks? No! I am still oiling up 3 times a day maybe 4. I have some pre-existing ones on my thighs but they don't seem to be getting any worse. None on my tummy though!

Sleep: Sleep is good. There have been a few nights when I have needed Tylenol PM but for the most part it's ok. If I wake up to pee I usually have a hard time falling back asleep or if I nap with Krew in the afternoon, I can't go to bed till pretty late.

Best moment this week: Krew and I went on a mom and son date yesterday! We went to ride the trains it was so much fun. I am really enjoying spending time with just him. I know it's gonna be over so soon! 

Miss Anything? I mean feeling normal counts. My body is so stretched out it hurts. My ribs ache pretty bad.

Movement: I feel her a lot more during the day now. She still comes kickin' right around bedtime! She is recognizing her daddys voice and big brothers too!

Food cravings: Rice krispie treats, Siracha with chicken still, lots and lots of water and sometimes a fresh lemonade!

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing.

Gender: GIRL!

Labor Signs: The past 3-4 days my BHs have been TERRIBLE!! Some of them really hurt! 

Symptoms: BH's are pretty strong, I pee ALL the time, and I get sore really easily!

Belly Button in or out? It's out. My sister called it an alien!

Wedding rings on or off? Off. Sadly.

Mood: Happy! I am getting nervous about the big change of course.

Looking forward to: Our baby shower in 1 month!

27 w e e k s!

How far along? 27 weeks!

Weight gain: I have no idea I know for a fact I'm up 14 pds. I would say I'm tipping right around 20. My appetite and TOTALLY grown the past week or so. I can't get enough to eat but then I feel SO full.

Maternity clothes? Pants, I can still fit into some non-maternity tops like the one seen above. The weather is supposed to be amazing this week so, I am whipping out my dresses too!

Stretch marks? No! I oil and lotion up two or three times a day! I do have a feeling with my increased appetite I need to do this A LOT more.

Sleep: I'm ALWAYS tired. No matter how much sleep I get. I contribute that to chasing a 2 year old and over booked weekends. Plus I started a new work schedule of 3 10's and those totally kick my ass.

Best moment this week: It was my nieces birthday party and I had all my nieces and nephews together! It was so much fun and Krew had SO much fun having a sleepover and playing outside with them all day. He's so independent now, I would almost say he is easy! I can't believe we are going to throw a newborn into the bunch!

Miss Anything? Same ol' stuff, my closet, running, my energy.

Movement: I feel her ALL the time. Her kicks aren't as big as I remember Krew's being but I do have the anterior placenta too.

Food cravings: Rice Krispies (my sister in law makes the best ones), and Siracha sauce. I've been eating teryaki bowls like they are going out of style!

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing.

Gender: GIRL!

Labor Signs: I've been having Braxton Hicks a lot more. Cold water and a little rest helps!

Symptoms: Braxton Hicks. I feel my body begging me to slow down a bit and I really need to tune into it. I'm eating my 3rd trimester and starting to feel shitty all over again. Like not caring about my  hair, and I just want to be comfy! It's even harder with a 2 year old. My needs start to come last which sucks because I REALLY need rest.

Belly Button in or out? It's out and it's starting to poke out too. It never did that with Krew!

Wedding rings on or off? On.

Mood: Over it. Honestly, maybe I'm just doing this on a bad day but I'm tired, sore, and tired. Ha!

Looking forward to: Our baby shower in 1 month!

26 Weeks!

How far along? 26 weeks!

Weight gain: I am going to add this section so I can keep track better. I am up 14 pds. Going back to my 26 week post with Krew. I was up 17 pds. My doctor has told me to up my caloric in-take but it's been hard for me. I'm constantly eating but constantly running around whether at work or chasing Krew. 

Maternity clothes? Yep.

Stretch marks? No! I oil and lotion up two or three times a day!

Sleep: It's been ok, I wake up sore as hell and I have had to switch sides a lot or baby girl seems to get stuck in one position.

Best moment this week: We saw her cute face on Tuesday and she was sticking her tongue out at daddy! So cute! We also painted her room last weekend!! That counts right?

Miss Anything? My closet, laying on my belly, being able to roll on the floor and wrestle with the boys!

Movement: I feel her lots at night before bed and if I am up through the nighttime. I love it and daddy feels her more too!

Food cravings: Fresh fruit ALWAYS, eggs, cheeseburgers, and sandwiches..

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing.

Gender: GIRL!

Labor Signs: None praising the lord.

Symptoms: I had an ultrasound on Tuesday to check the length of my cervix. Everything looks great and the only reason I would deliver early is because I did with Krew but all in all my body is reacting just as it should to the progesterone injections which makes me so happy because they are a bitch!!

Belly Button in or out? Almost out.

Wedding rings on or off? On.

Mood: I've been feeling great. Krew has been sick with croup and an ear infection and now Ryan is sick so I am a little exhausted from taking care of them! I need a vacation!

Looking forward to: I'm hoping Ryan feels up to putting the crib up this weekend!
Lots of snuggles from the boys this weekend!
(On the right with baby lady, and the left with Krew. SO much bigger this time)

25 weeks!

How far along? 25 weeks!

Maternity clothes? Yep, like I said in my last post I am 100% in maternity/stretchy clothes. I found some rockin' yoga leggins' from Target that I will be able to wear again after this babe comes and they are my favorite (they are not maternity)! I have tried to avoid buying a lot of "maternity" clothes but I am LOVING the ruched sides in shirts these days! With Krew I was never confident to show dis bump off! Now, I am. Crazy how motherhood will change that for round 2!

Stretch marks? No! I get so damn itchy though. Whenever I get itchy I just slather lotion and oil on!

Sleep: Honestly, it sucks lately. I have tried Tylenol PM and it's the only thing that doesn't make me drowsy the next day!

Best moment this week:  We celebrated my dads birthday on Monday with a seafood boil at our house. We love hosting dinner parties at our new pad. It was a ton of fun!

Miss Anything? Yes, the obvious. My clothes, drinks, running to my fullest potential.

Movement: I do not feel her through the day! When I'm ready for bed she dances around like crazy! Ryan has FINALLY felt some pretty good kicks and I am starting to see them from the outside!

Food cravings: Still fresh fruit. My latest is raspberries and strawberries. I am hoping this isn't an issue when it comes to my GD test in a few weeks!

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing.

Gender: GIRL!

Labor Signs: They have subsided a lot the past week. I had an infection going on so my doctor gave me an antibiotic and that really seemed to help my contractions!

Symptoms: I'm tired A LOT. Ryan has been awesome about giving me time to nap and taking Krew out so I can relax. I appreciate it more than he knows. I know I only have about 5-7 more weeks of feeling ok. Once I hit the 30-32 week mark I know I will have to slow down A LOT more. Something I didn't know when I was pregnant with Krew. I went into early labor at 32 weeks, this time I definitely know what I need to do to avoid that. My goal is to avoid bed rest and just take things easy after 30 weeks.

Belly Button in or out? Gosh it's almost out! Bye bye innie!

Wedding rings on or off? For the most part. Some days it gets really tight and uncomfortable.

Mood: I've been feeling awesome and the weather has been perfect for walks after work! I think exercising has really helped me keep my mood up. Plus Krew and our dog love the walks!

Looking forward to:  We have an ultrasound on Tuesday so I can't wait to see little lady again! Also, we are starting on the landscaping of our new backyard next week! Can't wait to play out there with my boys and our little girl! I should note that we also picked a paint color for the nursery and will probably get that up in the next week or so!


2 3 w e e k s!

How far along? This picture was taken last week at exactly 23 weeks!

Maternity clothes? I am completely out of normal clothes. I have maybe 2 things that still fit. I am going on a hunt this weekend to find some "cute" maternity clothes. Most of the things I wear are maternity.

Stretch marks? No! Thanking my lucky stars!

Sleep: I've been so tired lately! It's like the last 3 months have just caught up with me. I went to bed at 8:00 last night. It felt awesome!

Best moment this week:  I feel little lady lots more! I have also been loving all of Krews kisses he gives to baby sissy! Melt my heart!

Miss Anything? Being skinny. Going shopping for clothes I will be able to wear!

Movement: This has really ramped up in the last couple weeks! 

Food cravings: Yes! Fresh veggies and fruit! Love it!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing.

Gender: Baby lady. Also, we don't have a name. ha!

Labor Signs: Yep, I've been contracting a lot the last few days. My doctor thinks they are irritability contractions but I have another cervical check next week just to play it safe! So hoping to avoid bedrest.

Symptoms: Just tired all the time and I'm sore all over. With Krew I wasn't this uncomfortable so early on. My tailbone has been so painful lately!

Belly Button in or out? I think I only have a couple more weeks with an innie!

Wedding rings on or off? Depends on the day! So sad.

Mood: I've been feeling great! 

Looking forward to:  Krew is having his FIRST sleepover with his cousins on Friday and Ryan and I are going out for Valentines Day and a few work accomplishments he has done so well in! I can't wait!!