3 4 weeks!!

How far along? 34 weeks!!

Weight gain: I have gained a WHOPPING 27 pds. Like seriously this is real life. I am so hoping baby girl has a lot more weight to her then Krew did. I am shocked about my weight gained but proud. I can't stop eating this time around which is fine. I eat until I am content. I am trying not to worry about the number. I know I am driven enough to rid of it once she is here and healthy. My #1 focus is having her healthy.

Maternity clothes? Yes! I have 2 dresses that I love and when I am home with Krew I am in leggins and a t-shirt. I sleep in underwear and a sports bra. 

Stretch marks? None! 

Sleep: It sucks, if I nap with Krew I wake up sick. Lately, the past 3 mornings I have woken up with a blinding headache! It's awful! I cannot get comfortable anymore and my hips just ache!

Best moment this week: I have baby girls bag, my bag and Krews bag packed and ready to go!

Miss Anything? Running, A cold beer, Laying on my tummy, My clothes.

Movement: I'm feeling her less and less. She's running out of womb.

Food cravings: Cereal and Sandwiches.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing.

Gender: GIRL!

Labor Signs: I've been having BH's like crazy still but they are not making me progress which is a good sign! If I go into labor now, my doctor will not stop it or try to prolong it. How crazy is that?

Symptoms: BH's all day erryday

Belly Button in or out? It's out. 

Wedding rings on or off? On

Mood: Nervous. My biggest fear this week is Krew changing. He is my baby and will grow into a big brother over night!

Looking forward to: Labor!

3 2 weeks!

How far along? 32 weeks!!

Weight gain: Finally tipping the 20 pd mark and I am just so proud!

Maternity clothes? Yes! Always, I am loving dresses too! Our weather is so bipolar it's hard to get a good idea on what I can and can't use day by day. I do know I refuse to buy more maternity clothes!

Stretch marks? None! Still oiling and applying lotion 3-4 times a day!

Sleep: I have to take a Tylenol PM maybe twice a week. It's those nights I get enough sleep to get me through the week! I have been much better about napping with Krew though. Housework can wait, naps can't!

Best moment this week: We FINALLY did some more laundry for baby girl and got a pretty good idea clothes wise what we still need to get for her!

Miss Anything? I just miss not having an achy back, being able to shave my legs, and mostly just being normal again.

Movement: Oy, she's a strong little thing! Her kicks hurt a lot of the time. I am fortunate that she is not up in my ribs like Krew was!

Food cravings: Nothing really this week.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing.

Gender: GIRL!

Labor Signs: I've been having BH's like crazy! I had a doctors appointment on Tuesday and I am already dilated to a 1 and 50% effaced. I am barely skimming past the bed rest point and I go in 2 weeks to have steroid shots to help her little lungs develop a little more!

Symptoms: BH's all day erryday

Belly Button in or out? It's out. 

Wedding rings on or off? On but slightly tight!

Mood: Excited! Ready to feel like ME again!

Looking forward to: Our baby sprinkle tomorrow and organizing things! Hospital bags must be packed ASAP!


Our last holiday as a family of 3! How exciting right?! To be honest, I am nervous. Maybe a little sad. I will feel so guilty for feeling this way, but I assume once baby lady is here all of these fears will disappear. In my defense, I love it being just us 3. Our nightly routine of dinner, & clean-up, Krews new favorite thing is to put the soap cube in the dishwasher, close it, then close the dishwasher. He says "No, let me do it." After cleanup, we head upstairs. At least every other night he needs a bath, ya know a good soak just to get the dirt off. He always asks me to bath with him. I happily oblige. Then we all snuggle in our king bed so tightly. Sometimes we watch Disney movies, sometimes we just play and Krew dances and does jumping jacks for us. Sometimes he plays his annoying games on the iPad. Then we do a family kiss and fall into a deep sleep. Yes, we still co-sleep, yes it will probably be hell with a newborn, no I don't want your opinion. I am going to miss these times. Just us 3.

We are so in the groove of things, just us 3. We have our own routines, our own silly jokes. I am nervous of losing these. Not having them with my sweet innocent 2.5 year old little boy, I am nervous that I won't take the time to stick my nose in his neck crevice and smell his sweet, sweaty, boy self. I am nervous that the second he turns into a big brother he will lose all sweet innocence, I am nervous that my husband and I will slowly lose time for ourselves and most importantly each other. All of these thoughts have me bursting into tears.

I don't do well with change and as much as I keep telling myself how wonderful, fantastic, and awesome this new journey is going to be I am so damn nervous, so sad. I'm really leaning on my family and my friends to help me push through this change in my life, my best friend Whitney for always giving me advice just the way I need it delivered. My sister in law Jess for her honest, blunt, and loving advice, she usually has the right things to say. And of course my mom who knows me better than anyone else.

This Easter I found myself cherishing every little thing that went into our day. I will always hold these pictures so close to my heart.

Maternity Pictures

During my last pregnancy I wasn't confident enough to get maternity pictures taken. I wish someone had made me just do it. This pregnancy is totally different, I feel way better rockin' my bump and I love to show it off. I honestly credit my confidence to motherhood. I love being a mom and cannot wait to be a mother to a little girl! We will have one of each and honestly it is beyond my wildest dreams! When the most amazing, talented, beautiful person inside and out reached out to me about modeling a dress in an orchard field for a maternity shoot with Krew I was blown away! We never had a set date until about 3 days before because Utah's weather is super unpredictable and we wanted the blooms at their very best! Well they were initially going to be taken on Thursday we took them Wednesday night! I got off work after a 10 hour day, I had been nauseous ALL dang day, I forgot shoes, and we left Krews shirt on the table! We had like 30 minutes before the shoot and luckily found a Target for a shirt for Krew! The shoot ended up being AMAZING! I froze my buns off but after 20 minutes or so I was use to the cold!

If you are in Utah you must go check out http://www.marissavargasonphotography.com/ for ALL portraits you need taken. Her soft, airy style meets mine so perfectly! We have a shoot scheduled with her for when Krew meets his baby sissy! I hope you like these as much as I do, I cannot thank Marissa enough for the fun opportunity! There is also a short video on my instagram (sarah.barras)

These are just a few of the many she took! I mean is she amazing or what?!
