How far along? 34 weeks!!
Weight gain: I have gained a WHOPPING 27 pds. Like seriously this is real life. I am so hoping baby girl has a lot more weight to her then Krew did. I am shocked about my weight gained but proud. I can't stop eating this time around which is fine. I eat until I am content. I am trying not to worry about the number. I know I am driven enough to rid of it once she is here and healthy. My #1 focus is having her healthy.
Maternity clothes? Yes! I have 2 dresses that I love and when I am home with Krew I am in leggins and a t-shirt. I sleep in underwear and a sports bra.
Stretch marks? None!
Sleep: It sucks, if I nap with Krew I wake up sick. Lately, the past 3 mornings I have woken up with a blinding headache! It's awful! I cannot get comfortable anymore and my hips just ache!
Best moment this week: I have baby girls bag, my bag and Krews bag packed and ready to go!
Miss Anything? Running, A cold beer, Laying on my tummy, My clothes.
Movement: I'm feeling her less and less. She's running out of womb.
Food cravings: Cereal and Sandwiches.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing.
Gender: GIRL!
Labor Signs: I've been having BH's like crazy still but they are not making me progress which is a good sign! If I go into labor now, my doctor will not stop it or try to prolong it. How crazy is that?
Symptoms: BH's all day erryday
Belly Button in or out? It's out.
Wedding rings on or off? On
Mood: Nervous. My biggest fear this week is Krew changing. He is my baby and will grow into a big brother over night!
Looking forward to: Labor!