modern day mama to a threenager, & a pretty dream girl. wife to a country boy. runner. triathlete. queen of sarcasm.
Tis the season..
NO.... not Christmas yet.. In the Barras household its hunting season!! Every October Ry gets his things packed and takes off for what seems like a million years! Being a newlywed and having some attatchment issues I am dreading him leaving!! DREADING!! Its not so much that I am scared to be home alone.. as it just being A LONE.. Not having my best friend to talk to or see when I am having a bad day! He is leaving for a whole week here people!! I am already planning on staying with my mom and dad.. ahh my mom doing my laundry my dad cooking me yummy homemade meals! Does it get better? While I will be here still doing my same thing, Ry and his buddies Bobby B, and Brandon, well and Kenny B of course will be having a good ol' time hunting! After seeing The Time Traver's Wife I am really weary of him going and just nervous I guess. I would be nothing without Ryan and can't imainge my day by day life without him next to me. I feel like I am writing his obiturary or something... pathetic me.. Just note: I will miss him LOTS!! So on a happier note I will leave you of this picture. It reminds me of Ryan to the T and I laughed my ass off when I saw it. Hope you enjoy it as well!!
modern day mama to a threenager, a pretty dream girl & wife to a farm boy. runner, triathlete & co-sleeper. coffee lover, renegade, & queen of sarcasm.
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