Chewy our blue heeler/border collie is such a good girl and obeys very well! (most of the time) I got her for my 20th birthday and as a little house warming gift from my sweet husband!! Yesterday we took her in to get spayed there is SO many homeless puppies in this world I didn't want to create more!! So yesterday morning I took her into the clinic to have it done thank god my sis joined me for moral support! She is my little lady and really the first responsibility I have ever had except my house she is my pride and joy!!
I went to drop her off at the clinic and at first she did not dare go in and finally we got her to go in and I filled out some paper work and answered some questions and walked her back to her kennel!! It was heartbreaking she did not want to go into that for the life of her!! Once we got her in I said my goodbyes and rushed out before I could hear or cry or bark!! I called throughout the day to check on her and see how her progress was and she did just fine. Right at 4 I ran out of work to go and pick her up oh man was she happy to see mama or what!! At first she thought she could run straight up to me and it hit her that she was in a little bit of pain. So I lifted her up into the car and calmed her down a bit and off we went to Grandmas!
She was really droopy and just sleepy the whole ride there, once we got there all she wanted to do was see her wittle brudder Gussie!! He didn't want anything to do with her and went into the corner and pouted we think he knew she was in pain. I made her a bed in my room (old room) and shut the door so she could get some sleep. Ten minutes later I went to check on her and yep she was on the bed, she had jumped on the bed!!! She thinks she is a little baby or something because she always has to be on your lap or snuggling with you!! So I brought her down into the livign room so she could be apart of all the action and before I knew it she jumped onto the couch!! Her stitches started to bleed a little but over time she was fine! Daddy is home with her today and I hear she is recovering very well. Its weird to some people how much my dogs mean to me but they are just as much part of the family as a human being!! So I will live you with the cutest girl ever!!
modern day mama to a threenager, & a pretty dream girl. wife to a country boy. runner. triathlete. queen of sarcasm.
modern day mama to a threenager, a pretty dream girl & wife to a farm boy. runner, triathlete & co-sleeper. coffee lover, renegade, & queen of sarcasm.
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