
Note: This is extremely hard for me to write and not cry!
 Last night around 8:00 p.m I noticed that our pug (Gus) would not leave our heeler (Chewy) alone!! He kept licking the right side of her face. I mean I know he is obsessed with her and all (she is neutered no worries) but he would just not stop licking her cheek! So I figured there had to be food on it or something wrong with it. Well sure enough my mama instinct was right, it was swollen and she was drooling EVERYWHERE!! I immediately went into panic mode and told DH what was going on. Now DH knowing what a freak I am when it comes to my dogs told me that maybe Gus had bitten it or maybe she knocked it and not to worry that we would see how it looked tomorrow. I chilled out a bit and took her to bed with us (Gus had to join in too). She laid on me and drooled ALL night long my poor baby must have been in so much pain! I was up ALL dang night worrying about her, thinking about how we would afford to help her if there was something seriously wrong with her. Yes I even thought about SELLING MY BODY!!
        My dogs are my life and as sick as some of you people might think it is they are my pride and joy. Every day when I get home from work they attack me with kisses and act like they haven't seen me in years it really does make my day! Dogs love their owners unconditionally and I love my pups so much more! So as the night went on and I sobbed like a BIG baby I decided that if it was still swollen even the slightest bit then I would take her to the vet first thing in the morning! Sure enough her poor side was still swollen.. I had to come into work for a few hours so I came in and called the doctor right at 8:00 a.m! I booked the soonest appt and fled work to see what was up with my girl. My sis came for moral support and Gus had to tag along as well. The vet looked down her throat and immediatly said "Her tongue is hurt really badly, I will be right back." About 10 minutes later or 10 years in mama time he came back in with some pain pills and an antibiotic. She had somehow burnt her tongue! He figured she may have gotten into an electrical cord and shocked herself or maybe put it on too cold of ice but about 3 layers of her poor tongue were ripped off. He showed me and I almost fainted and died!!! Sobbing the whole way home I called DH and explained everything!! I went to the store and bought her some hot doggies so she could get her pills in okay, a new toy, and some soft canned dog food. Chew is going to be just fine we just need to get her tongue back! For those of you who think I am a little obsessed with my dogs BUG off!! I love them and they always say "a dog is a man's best friend"! Yes indeed they are! I am still somewhat in tears I feel so bad that I could not have protected her from letting this happen. I asked DH today "Do you still want to have kids with me?" LOL I dont even want to think how I will be with them! Chewy is home resting with her Grandma and Aunty! I love her and her brother to peices!
So here I leave you with my 2 sweet babies!

They love each other! Wouldn't ya say??

Kelsey Bendixen said...

Aww poor baby!! That is so sad I hope he heals quick. I know what you about your dogs being your babies, I am the same way with my dog! It is just different once you have an actual baby but Lily is still my baby too! Dogs are the best huh!

Sarah said...

She is almost healed and doing a lot better!! It is sick how I treat my dogs! lol My hubbs has never had them so he doesn't quite understand it!! LOL Yeah I bet it is different when you have an actual baby I always think I might have to wait till my doggies pass to have babies!! LOL

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