
Let me start off by saying that I am a HUGE slacker... I think I'd make a great motivational speaker haha but its time I start putting my money $$ where my mouth is! For real people I haven't done the cleanse AND I am barely starting the 30 Day Shred TONIGHT! ::running to hide in embarrasement and shame:: Yes bitches Jillian gave me a damn good run for my money because oh man are my arms freaking sore or what!! Well props to my sis in law who started this morning she motivated me to get off my bumm. On a brighter note I have just started watching what I eat cutting back on the whip cream on my morning lattes (yes peeps, morning meaning everyday!!) instead of popcorn I will have carrots and instead of a hamburger I will have a tuna sammich and I have already lost a WHOPPING 4 pds!! Yes just dieting I have lost 4 pds. Well as much as I like to talk about me enough enough.. On to something much more importante'...
(If you didn't watch this your lame and need to get a life!!! pathetic I'am..)
So who watched it!? What do you think? I started doing this little review with Dancing with Stars but I kinda lost interest not to mention jealous of most of those bitches bodies.. well not so much Kates. BLEHH!!       Okay so anyways.. I am going to really start doing this faithfully every Tuesday because I just love this show I swear I was one of those hott fiesty fashionistas in my past life !
(wait... thats right I still am)

So here are my thoughts on tonights show!

Sorry guys but I LOVE LOVE LOVE her! Always have always will! Seriously, I have loved this chick since she was on Laguna! Yes, that was so high school but I do love her! Crack and all!
(crack? that was a total joke)
Why do I love all the bitchy girls? Hmmm... thats a hard one? It couldn't be that I relate to them could it? Well I love her for the fact that she is just real. Plain real. She has no problem telling anyone how it is!
(Do you see any resemblence?)
I mean I know I am no plastic surgeon or anything BUT she looks HORRIBLE!!
Well hubbs has worked a late night tonight so I think I will go snuggle up in bed with him. Maybe I will get around to blogging tomorrow! Hope your all doing well!


Sorry for being so M.I.A lately peeps! I am still alive we have just been SO super freaking busy lately that I have not had one single chance to blog! This is just a quick blog since it is Saturday night! Hubbs and I have just been enjoying the somewhat NICE weather, fixing up our yard for summer new fence, sod.. etc. I am SO freaking excited for The Hills premier on Tuesday! Anyone else? Well... while watching The Hills marathon ALL DAY today I have decided that I "think" I want to cut my hair.. as of now my hair is past my shoulders and just hard to do somedays I wake up and literally throw it in a ponytail because I don't have time those days happen more and more! Plus with summer coming I think I want something lighter! So here are some pics of what I'd like please let me know your thoughts! Thanks loves! :]
(by the way she is my idol)



OR I am thinking of doing a cute longer A line... I won't go any shorter in the front then shown in picture #2. I don't want to look like a butch (unlike some bitches I know) that's just not my thang.. plus husband likes my hair curled so I have to factor him into things as well
Thanks for the opinions I hope you are all having a fabulous weekend!

Its been a week...

since I lasted posted!!! SORRY!!! So not cooL I know! I can't really say we have been up too much because we haven't been! The weekend was wayy too short and R worked most of it! $$$$ is all I have to say!! Since it has been 70 degree plus weather here in beautiful Salt Lake City it makes me SCRAM! Swim suit season is literally knocking on my back door!! So after researching it and hearing some really good personal reviews from friends I am going to start these 2 things on Monday!
1. Slimquick Cleanse
Its a simple 7 day cleanse that helps you get rid of ALL of the toxins in your body and "says" you will drop 5-7 pounds! Whoo hoo! I just want to do this part of it all to get out all of the crap that I know is in my body! I am always drinking soda and eating JUNK! Candy, chips, cookies **rush off to shove my mouth with chocolate chip cookies from mrs. fields**  EVERYTHING! I'm using as just a jump start to my diet and working out. So wish me luck with this I heard its not very yummy but its all worth it!
2. 30 Day Shred

Let me just say that Jilliam Michaels is a tough bitch!! Seriously I am so excited to start this workout and see if I can keep up with Mrs. Jillian! I think my older sis is going to do it with me to so it should be lots of fun!
I know I only weigh 105 pounds but I obviously am only 5 foot so any exxxttra pounds over 100 FREAKS me the FREAK outt!! I do NOT ever want to have a DOUBLE chin or big huge floppyy arms! EVER!!
I love when R compliments me on my frame and when people say "your so little" I really do take pride in it and want to tone my body arms and just get healthy! So I will for sure keep you guys posted on how it all goes and how much weight I have lost I DO NOT want to get below 95 pounds I think thats taking it a little far but I personally feel like I could drop a few pounds before I slip into my bikini.
PLUS I have to look hott for my man right? I NEVER let him look better then me. EVER
(sorry hubbs love you! :])
Wish me luck gals! We are so close to the weekend hang in there!!

I leave you with the damnest cutest sweetest dogg you will ever see:

ta ta.


Here are 2 quick pictures from the Kansas concert my dad took me to for my birthday!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE them! They did such a fantastic job and there were some major hippees there including my dad!! :] My favorite song from them is Wayward Son, I don't know why I just love the beat and lyrics you should go check it out! There were some crazy 80 yr old (okay not really 80) groupies in the front row and I kinda got sick thinking my mom use to be that way! ;] The lead vocalist kinda creeped me out Steve Walsh he has REALLY long gray hair and perfectly straight teeth! Idk why but some people give me the hee bee gee bees really easily! ;] Well I was minding my own buisness on the dollar machine and out of the corner of my eye there HE is! David Ragsdale the violin/fiddle player from Kansas!! OMG!! At first I was WAY too shy to go up and talk to him BUT I hurried and cashed out on my machine (which by the way I won $20)! I went up to him and said "Hey, don't you play in Kansas?" He looked back at me not wanting attention and said "Yes, sometimes?" Me: "OMG! Your concert was SO good! How do you play and sing at the same time your SO freaking good!!" David: "Thanks! Are you old enough to be at my concert?" ME: *blushing"" Yes! My parents brought me for my 21st birthday! Can I get a picture and your autograph PLEASE!!!" David: "Yeah of course yougin'! Glad you enjoy our music!"
You should be!!
He was totally cool and so down to earth! Not alot of other people recognized him I wonder if he wore that fanny pack to NOT draw attention? For me it didn't work I immediatly saw that and chuckled to myself! My mom got to meet him to and I kinda sorta think he was diggin' my mom UNTIL my daddy showed up!
Who wouldn't dig her thought right?!
Yeah I know we look EXACTLY alike I tell people that I am the "white" sheep of my family since my dad is pretty tan and Italian and my sister and mom look like "beaners" (they are really hispanic and I just think that I look white!)
Well that was THE highlight of my 21st birthday! It was great! I love my parents and thank them for everything they have given to me and done for me! Your only a spoiled brat when you don't appreciate it right? Well I do appreciate it! More then words will ever explain!
ta ta....


Thanks to Maria (one of my best bloggy paLs) over at Two Hearts Made Four she gave me this award! :]
Its AWARD time!!!!!!!

The rules............
1. accept and thank the person who gave it to you!
2.List 10 things about yourself
3.List 5 additional things you DONT like!
4.Then pick ten people to give this lovely award to!

Here goes nothin'......
  1. I bite my nails SO bad they usually bleed
  2. I was married at the ripe young age of 19
  3. I love love love the color pink my house would be pink if hubbs let me!
  4. My older sister and I are 18 months apart and the best bffs in the world!
  5. My blackberry is attatched to my damn finertips. Crackberry for shizzle
  6. I am REALLY close to 2 of my 3 sister in laws and I love them like they are really my sisters
  7. My hubbs has never ONCE left the toilet seat up for me to fall into!
  8. My wedding ring has pink shapphire in it! (Thats how much I like pink!)
  9. I dye my hair a different color at least once a month I can't make up my damn mind!
  10. I went to private Catholic School... (that explains it right? ;])
Now for 5 things I DO NOT like...
  1. I hate super MORMON girls who judge everything AND everyone! (sorry I had to say it because it is numero uno pet peeve) don't get offensive!
  2. I HATE/LOVE my obsession with designer bags it leaves us in the poo house!
  3. I CAN'T sit still for more then 10 minutes at a time! (a.d.d)
  4. I change my outfit at least 6 times before I leave the house which usually results in me throwing the clothes that I DON'T want on the floor.
  5. I CAN'T use the same bath towel twice! EW! It becomes annoying every Sunday when we do laundry!
Now for my 10 bloggy peeps that are going to get this as well:
1. Mrs. D at http://babydmakes3.blogspot.com/
2. Kristen at http://familyofthreejustexpanded.blogspot.com/
3. Jess at http://deanjessandpeyton.blogspot.com/
4. Mallory at http://malandpete.blogspot.com/
5. Kelsey at http://bendixenfam.blogspot.com/?zx=a48690014bed566f
6. Annie at http://annie-ourlittlefamily.blogspot.com/
7. Melissa http://ivfinfertility.blogspot.com/
8. Expat girl at http://thesandisdifferenthere.blogspot.com/
9. Hattie at http://godlovehim-hattie.blogspot.com/
10. Summer at http://summer-summersstoryafamilysjourney.blogspot.com/



Well instead of this beauty here:
I got this beauty!

R was sooooooo nice to me this birthday and I am so grateful to have a husband who can provide me with nice things like this and still be reasonable about it all! Its a fuLLy loaded Mazda 3 and I love everything about it! Its so fun to cruise around in and can't wait for this summer so I can use the sunroof! I have the coolest/funniest/handsome/charming/BEST husband in the whole world and if any of you would like to go battle on this one bring it on! I am so glad we are in a stage of our lives where we can afford nice things and not be in the poor house and buy out of our means just to keep up with the Jones'! I am asking for my 30th birthday for a boob job! Once we are done having kids and all! So he can top this present then! I will post about our trip tomorrow but for now I am ready to fall over from too much NyQuiL.
Wait... did I mention that along with the car R got this thing too!!!
Until next time..
ta ta....


Yeah I made it! I am offically 21 and had a fabulous night out with friends and family! Since R and I had our first "date" at Joe's Crab Shack on my 18th birthday we now go there every year for my birthday! Here we are being escorted:
Do we look sick and miserable or what?

I was so happy and surprised with the turn out! We made a reservation for 15 people and 20 showed up! We were of course missing Jess, Deano, Addy and a few others but everyone that was there really wanted to be there and help me celebrate such a milestone! I love my family and friends more then words can explain I have known most of my friends for 10 plus years and couldn't imagine celebrating such a day without them! Thanks for everything guys! I was spoiled with gifts!! really spoiled!
Here is my first LEGAL drink! Of course, its a tequilla sunrise!

My cousin Markie and I! (Ladies stop drooLing he is NOT single)

My cute "friends" picture frame from my BFF Whitney! :] Her cute little chitlen in the back there!

Me grabbing a kiss from R while wearing my BEER GOGGLES!!

Trying to make thizzz face... ugh!


My 2 BFFS in this WHOLE world!
Well that's it for our night out on the town! :]

Easter with Nephew

First off sorry I have been so MIA lately! I have been crazy busy with my birthday, our trip, my sweet Addyson, and Easter... oh and this HORRIBLE cold that R and I have had for 1 WEEK now! 1 freaking week! I am finally on the up and up but still a little drugged on NyQuiL! So here are a few updates on this past week or 2! Enjoy!

We LOVE our nephew so much! He is so fun to hang out with and I love to spoil this little man rotten! The year before we moved into our house we had him over to dye Easter eggs and had a little hunt around our tiny apartment! (god I'm so glad we never have to live in one of those things again). Here is a pic for your enjoyment:
 Peyton Easter 08'

He looks so itty bitty in this picture! I love it!
Since we were moving into our house and our lives were in shambles last Easter we couldn't have him over so this Easter I wanted to make it EXTRA special! Plus papa was down to enjoy all of the festivities as well!!  We started the morning with dying eggs Peyton wanted Transformers ones so Transformers he got!!

Peyton Easter 2010
Doesn't he look so cute with his missing teefies?
  Peyton and his Papa they are such pals!!
Concentrating WAY too hard!!
Peyton made eggs based on each of their favorite colors! Red was for mommy, pink was for Addy, and green was for Dad! It was too cute and he was so proud of them I had to get this sweet picture! This was the morning that Addy had to be admitted into the ER so it made it even sweeter!
Next Papa and Uncle Chop Chop hid the eggs and it took Pey a little while to find some of them! Here he is on his hunt!

Next we did a little (gingerbread) house for the Easter bunny. R and Papa put it together and lets just say that it wasn't the best idea trusting them with such a duty Pey and I definitely learned our lesson on that one! Here are some picutres of the house being decorated which later crumbled! :[

Did I mention that we made a Boise State egg because they freaking ROCK? Yep that's right betches!! ;]

I think I was more bummed about it crumbling then he was!! BOO!!!
Next... we made Easter cupcakes to deliver to our friends and family and the neighbors that helped us cut down our trees so we could put our fence in!! Its a process that for sure!!

This is how they turned out all wrapped up! I thought they were pretty cute myself! Yes, slowly but surely I am turning into a little domestic diva!

Well that was our fun and exciting weekend with Peyton! We had a blast and look forward to making that a tradition! I can't wait till little Addy can join along and help me! :] She is out of the hospital and recovering GREAT! Thanks for the kind words and prayers here parents are so strong and it showed in her thats for sure! Hope you all had a lovely Easter!