
Well instead of this beauty here:
I got this beauty!

R was sooooooo nice to me this birthday and I am so grateful to have a husband who can provide me with nice things like this and still be reasonable about it all! Its a fuLLy loaded Mazda 3 and I love everything about it! Its so fun to cruise around in and can't wait for this summer so I can use the sunroof! I have the coolest/funniest/handsome/charming/BEST husband in the whole world and if any of you would like to go battle on this one bring it on! I am so glad we are in a stage of our lives where we can afford nice things and not be in the poor house and buy out of our means just to keep up with the Jones'! I am asking for my 30th birthday for a boob job! Once we are done having kids and all! So he can top this present then! I will post about our trip tomorrow but for now I am ready to fall over from too much NyQuiL.
Wait... did I mention that along with the car R got this thing too!!!
Until next time..
ta ta....

Expat Girl said...

Wow you lucky girl!!

Anonymous said...

what year are your cars?

Meant to be a mom said...

Yay, how fun. Congrats!

Annie said...

whoa.....happy birthday to YOU, huh!?!? Love it!!

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