1. Have you ever snooped around someone else's house?
No! I would hate if someone snooped around my house so I would never snoop around anyone elses'!
2. Can guys and girls be friends?
Yes I for sure think so! Since I was raised Catholic in a very mormon state I did not have a lot of girlfriends growing up since I did not attend young womens, singles ward etc etc. So I do have a lot of guy friends and husband it more then confidant with himself and our marriage for me to hang with them Plus girLs are just plain freaking bitchy so less drama!
3. Can you curl your tongue?
4. Have you ever stolen anything?
No way! Being raised in a strict Catholic household and attending private school I knew better!
5. Would you rather talk on the phone or text?
I hate hate hate talking on the phone! I don't really have much time to text though so if people wanna talk to me I think they mostly call me!
6. Memorial Day plans?
Laying out by the pool and spending the whole day with husband since he has been working non stop! (cha-ching)
7. What do you do to relax?
I like to get facials with my mom and sis! <3
8. Do you do anything to honor those that have died fighting for our freedom?
We have the boyscouts put a flag in our yard.
Whoot Whoot for 1 more day off! Hope you all have had a wonderful safe and warm weekend! Tomorrow I will be getting my tan on!
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