Haste La Vista Boss!!
Friday Hubbs helped his good friend fix some things on hiS car. How did I get so lucky in marrying such a handyman? Seriously I think that dude could fix anything! While they were doing that I snuggled with a real cute puppy dog!
This little thing is so snuggly, and warm, and has the best puppy breath ever! Again, she didn't make me puppy hungry like I usually am. Maybe that's how moms are when they have newborn babies, they aren't baby hungry until the kid is grown? I have 2 crazy dogs of my own to chase around!
Saturday we slept in, got some lunch and headed up to SuperCross. We have friends who "tailgate" you could say. Motorhome, firepit, beerpong, bbq the whole nine yards! Let me tell you being the only pregnant chick in a crowd of 30 21 and over peeps was rough. "Hey you want a beer" is all I heard. Or maybe all I wanted to hear? ::jokes::
This was right before I froze my freaking bum off! Not joking my whole body hurt so bad from shivering, and sitting in that damn bleacher for 4 hours!
I swear SLC needs to win some sort of Academy Award for our sunsets. They are so breathtaking!
I never knew SuperCross was SO awesome until I watched the dudes take the jumps full speed and soar into the air! It kinda sorta brought out the evil kanevil in me and I may or may not want to act like a boy and do it! The smell of the exhaust was a little much and some of the people were so rude but other then that it was a fun night!
Sunday I put this baby swing/rocker together all by myself. Yes, hubbs was impressed with my skills! Honestly, I impressed myself I pretended I was in Hunger Games. (did I just admit that?)
We had a nice bbq dinner at my parents house and I finished out the weekend downing a large bananna cream shake by myself. I only have a 4 day work week this week since my sissy is graduating! Should be great!
Can anyone else relate? Eh?