10 Weeks & Bump Picture!

They have spotted a whale somewhere west of Salt Lake City! Yep, it's me and I am feeling something like a beached whale! I am not "pregnant" looking just more like "damn that girl needs to lay off the doughnuts and potatoe chips looking." I've never dealt with excess chub in my life so it's been rough adjusting to my growing waist line, double chin, arms, legs, and anything else you can imagine a snickers a day goes too!

And now for this week’s progress:

How Far Along? 10 weeks 1 day!
Size of Baby? According to my What to Expect app s/he is a lime! Beergarita anyone?
Maternity Clothes? I have NEVER loved my Tom's more! I bought a beband which I have on in my picture above and I can still fit in my pants also bought a pair of maternity leggins! Wowza who says you have to be pregnant to where these comfy things?
Weight Gain? 5 pounds at my last appt 4/17. I refuse to buy a scale for my own home use.
Stretch Marks? Nope! Gender? 90% of the population says BOY hubbs and I say GIRL!
Sleep? I have never slept so good in my life! Seriously! I do drag my ass in the mornings though!
Food Cravings? Yellow Peppers! ::heart is burning::
What I Miss? Sleeping on my stomach, A cold cocktail with friends, the GYM!!
Symptoms? If it wasn't for my every growing baby waist and my friends/family treating me like I am handicapped I would forget I was pregnant! I feel THAT good!
Belly Button? Still in!
Best Moment of the Week? Every moment is great to me! I can't believe I am going to have my very own baby to spoil this Christmas! My parents are even more exicted!!

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