Dear Boss,
Sometimes I may seem like a very ungrateful brat but I do appreciate all you have taught me and how much you care for me. Being able to call my own shots sure makes up for all of the bullshit rules, like not going to lunch with my BFF everyday! I still love you.
Dear Husband,
My love, I don't think I could express, write, or tell you how much I love and appreciate everything that you do for me and our little bean in the oven! He is so lucky to have you as a dad and a role model you have no idea. I can't wait to see you two grow into the best buddies I know you will be. hunting, fishing, camping, golf, shooting, BSU games are just going to be THAT much better come November. Keep in mind I still slightly want my baby girl someday so I hope your boys can pull through for me! In the mean time I will soak in all the time I get with my boys and them treating me like I am a royal Queen. No complaints here.Dear Mom,
Your birthday is tomorrow. Although I think you are a lunatic and just plain bat shit cray I love you and the way you are. I love your brutal honesty, your willingness to give up your life for your kids, your sassy attitude, and most importantly your confidence. If I am half the women you are at the age of 50 I will die a very very happy women. I may or may not be nicer to my husband in the process.
Dear Sis-In-law,
Yeah you. I can't tell you how amazing of a mom I think you are and will never be able to express my appreciate for you. Thanks for everything you do for our little family.
Dear Mother Nature,
Thank you for making today. The day I get to spend inside 93 degrees and for making tomorrow only 70! I hate you.
Dear God.
Hey its me, yeah me. I read your blog.. when I have spare time. Addy is currently sitting up in her bed and I'm just to lazy to go get her. Blah! Thanks for the cute letter. We appreciate all you do for us too!! Loves!
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