Re-Cap Oh Snap!

Happy Monday Lovies!

I am back at work after a fun eventful yet relaxing weekend! I love when i spend good quality time with my family & friends. Friday night husband and I went out for a nice meal of Chic-Fil-A the only thing that seems to please me anymore then we went home for a chill night. Hubbs fell asleep around 8:30 and left me awake to finish the rest of Dateline by myself which would get any women's head racing right? I checked into bed around 11:30 and hit the sack hard.
I put in some colored hair extensions Friday after work and I love them! So fun for Summer!

Saturday morning we were early risers to the 1st day of Farmers Market here in SLC! It's always so much fun to go and check out the yummy fruits, veggies, flowers, and homemade everything you can imagine plus it's all local and I am all for buying local! Here are some pictures that will help recap my day a little better. Let me just note the fresh cream cheese danish I ate in 1 bite was amazeballs.
Here is as picture of my and BFF drinking our freshly made mint limeades. They were oh so good!

The flowers that the gardeners show up with every year are to die for! I am one girl for some pretty yummy smelling flowers!

I also picked up a few hangers from Target for baby Krew his nursery is so unorganized it's really starting to irritate me! I am very O.C.D and feel like his room needs to be spotless and all times! We have been so blessed by friends and family and have inherited or been given most of Krews thing so far.

We made hobo dinners and went up the canyon on Saturday night but it was FREEZING so we are and headed back down. Sunday I spent the morning relaxing and watching the Adidas Grand Prix track meet, did some laundry, went grocery shopping and ended my weekend with a bbq for my moms birthday! I LOVE family time!!

Alas, a pictures of my furbabies!!


Jessica said...

Love your hair extensions

alex said...

Great photos(: your extensions are pretty cool:)

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