Dear Friday,
Thank you for showing your sweet face today! I couldn't have asked for a better time for you to come! I'm done with the month of July & so ready for the fun of August!! I love you.
Dear Husbear,
Seriously you are amaze.balls. This little thing you did here
Looks so damn good! You looked pretty good doing it to! Thanks for all of the hard work and dedication you have put into our baby boys little room lately! Him and I appreciate it more then you know and your amazing daddiness is already shining through. I am so blessed to have you in my life and sharing this journey with you! Reminder, our anniversary is at the end of next month! (;Dear Krew baby,
Your new thing is jumping on my bladder when it is FULL! It's not cool, I love you but not my bladder! We get to see you via ultrasound 3D in about 2 weeks and I can't wait to see your hopefully chunky little face! Grandma and Grandpa are getting more and more excited! I'm so anxious to spend our very first Christmas together as a wonderful family. Me, you, daddy, Chewy, & Gus Gus!!
Dear Mom & Dad,
We fight, we argue, well we argue a lot but we are fighting to stay a family. For that I will fight till death, we don't always agree but we do agree to disagree. I love you both more then words could ever express. You have done so much for Ryan, Krew, and I and we are so grateful and appreciative. Also, get ready for round 2 of mini Sarah! (; Mua ha ha
Dear Olympics,
Seriously been waiting for you since Beijing. I have high hopes for my good ol' USA Track & Field Team to pull through for me! Tyson Gay, Allyson Felix and the men and women's 4X100 relays!!
Dear God,
You have blessed me beyond anything I could have ever hoped for. Thank you.
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