31 weeks!

I know I know, I need to update my blog more with something NOT bump/pregnancy related! I swear my life has revolved around this little man I have been growing for the past few months now! I eat, sleep, breathe, and think about Krew 24/7 I can't wait to see his sweet little face and tickle those precious feet he likes to have shoved in me at night!!

How far along?
31 weeks! If I say 60 more days it seems shorter to me! (:
Total weight gain/loss:
I think I am at about 23ish pounds I gain then lose it's really weird. I am going to talk to my doctor on Wednesday to make sure all is healthy!
What the freak is that? This past week my sleep has been TOTALLY whack! It's sad I love my sleep! I really hate having to take a sleep aide but I am seriously considering it, especially with 8 or 9 more weeks of work.
Best moment this week:
I am excited for my doctors appointment! I am interested in seeing if he has turned and his growth I haven't been in a month and it seems like forever ago!
Oh this little guy sure is active! I love love love it! Even when he hits my sciatic nerve I love being able to feel him and being reminded of what this little thing inside of me and what a blessing he has been to my husband and I!
This weekend has been one for the books, I didn't do anything yet I swear I ran a marathon! I've been so fatigued and have been having MAJOR back aches. Hot baths make me sick, and I can't get comfortable. 60 days Sarah!
Food cravings:
None this week actually, maybe a little mac n cheese, oh and thanks to my sister in law freaking Garden Salsa god damn SunChips! Yum!
Food aversions:
Red Meat still.
 Labor Signs:
None my BH's come and go
Belly Button in or out?
It's officially FLAT!
What I miss:
Being comfortable? Sleeping on my belly!
What I am looking forward to:
Our baby moon! We leave on Thursday!!

Weekly Wisdom:
I need to keep reminding myself to take it easy and not over due things. It's just my personality to feel like I have to be superwoman.
No real BIG milestones. I am hoping he has turned head down so I can count that in next week! Wish me luck on the 5 hour drive to Boise and back! Good thing I have Gossip Girl!!
Schnelle said...

I know the feeling! I totally have baby brain too and I'm trying really hard to not let my blog turn into an all baby blog. You're in the home stretch!

Jessica said...

60 more days does sound fast!!

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