
Yes, my absence means I had my sweet baby boy! Please Welcome:
Krew A. Barras
After 13 1/2 hours of labor and 7 of those at home we finally welcomed our baby boy!
5 pds. 6 oz
18 inches long
8:27 p.m
I will post my birth story as soon as I get done snuggling my baby, words cannot express my happiness.

36 weeks!!

How far along?
36 weeks + 3 days!!

Total weight gain/loss:
Officially hit 30 pounds. Waahh waahh wahh
What does that mean? I have constant contractions that wake me up!
Best moment this week:
I'm not even sure anymore my days/weeks are starting to blend together! I am all caught up on laundry so that's a plus!

He is out of room. I don't feel him near as much as I did last week, poor guy has no where to go!

Nausea actually in the mornings!
Food cravings:
Ew I don't even know?

Food aversions:
Red Meat.
All blue! ((:

Labor Signs?
Contractions and cramping!!
Belly Button in or out?
What belly button?

What I miss:
Working out, Sleeping

What I am looking forward to:
Weekly Wisdom:
Stay Calm things will happen when God is ready.
I am ready. I made some padsicles this afternoon. Seriously if Krew came everything is ready!!


(36 weeks)
This is me sitting at the doctors office admiring my sweet little boy who is not so comfy inside! I had my first weekly check up today. My doctor checked the amniotic fluid via ultrasound and seemed concerned that it was too low so I was sent to the lab for another ultrasound. After an hour of ultrasound and being monitored I was set up. Still completely thinned and boys head is very very low. If I make it to next Thursday and my fluids are still low or lower then they are now we will discuss induction. A word I never ever thought I would use with my 1st pregnancy! I just want to keep all of the details written down, I sure have some things to use against Krew when he is older! (; I feel my body prepping and I need to take the time to mentally get in the game. My bags aren't packed and stuff is scattered all over the house! Tonight I know what I will be doing. My sisters birthday is Saturday and we would all love for him to join us! Here is to making it another week!!

I must pack some of these with me in bag! They are so delicious!
  • Need laundry done
  • Need to paint my nails
  • Need to put makeup on everyday in case it's time

Krew's Hospital Bag

I can't believe I am blogging about this! I am seriously so completely o.c.d when it comes to Krew's little hospital bag! I am not going to show his going home outfit, you all will just have to wait for that! (; Here is a basic list of what I packed I have heard he doesn't need much it seems easier to me for him to stay in what the nurses put him in so they aren't always changing him and messing with this temperature poor fella isn't here for dress up! So here is a short but basic list.

  • A cute swaddle blanket. I don't dig the hospital ones very much they just seem so hospitally and everyone has them!
  • A burp rag because a dear friend made it and it's cute.
  • A set of pajamas with a football on the butt of course. I doubt we use it but you never know.
  • An outfit in case we have an accident in his going home one!
  • A tinsy pair of socks in case his feetsies get cold at night.
  • Some booties to go with his home outfit.
  • A plain white long sleeve onsie.
  • A binki in case breastfeeding doesn't go as planned.
  • A few diapers since I hear the hospital ones are size 1s we think our little guy will me well, little.
  • And a pack of wipes in case we need it on the way home etc.
I am also bringing along his Boppy pillow so I can have the lactation consultant help me properly breastfeed with it. The car seat is already in the car and I also have a sweet blanket my Grandmother made for him because it gets cold here in November! If there is anything I maybe missing or tips that you think could help please share!! There are only 11 days till I am term it's so crazy to me! You will see my ass on the treadmill walking this little boy out of me! I can't wait to hold him, and I cannot wait to see my husband lock eyes with his first born son. (tears)



How far along?
35 weeks!!
For some reason my whole pregnancy I have been looking forward to this post! I am so close and 35 days sounds sooooo short!
Total weight gain/loss:
I am still hanging at 26 pds and am really happy with this! The doctor says it's a great healthy weight. My goal is to not get above 30 pounds!
Tylenol PM plus the cool breeze from my window is helping me sleep like a baby. (Why do they say that? Babies don't sleep!) I still wake up at least once to potty!

Best moment this week:
Honestly this week I have been having contractions ALL day and I am starting to feel like I am going to be pregnant forever!!
Krew is strong! We are able this week to notice he sticks his little foot out on my left side. It's really cute and hubbs loves it!!
Still have contractions and a gross amount of discharge!
Food cravings:
I am still on my french toast kick but I am also craving Salmon pretty badly!
Food aversions:
Red Meat.
All blue! ((:
Labor Signs?
I am completly thinned and baby is -1.
Belly Button in or out?
What belly button?
What I miss:
Conversations that aren't baby based!
What I am looking forward to:
Suprisingly I am ready for labor & delivery these past couple weeks my love for my husband has grown so much I can't wait to share this with him!
Weekly Wisdom:
I have started to thank God every night before bed for all of the blessings I have been blessed with. It helps me feel happier and it really reminds me how truly lucky I am!

I can't believe I am 35 weeks! That's a milestone all in itself right?!


Birth Plan

As my besties are getting ready to see this pretty lady:
(aka) my favorite country female singer/role model/prettiest lady ever
in concert. I am here at home with my puppies blogging about my birth plan and making sure everything is in order as I will be the BIG 35/35 on Friday!!
I am a first time mom and I do not claim to know everything about child birth but I feel as though my husband and I have done our research when it comes to being as prepared as possible when it comes to the needs for us as a couple and for our unborn son. So after reading, researching my eyeballs out, crying, being frustrated, and asking my doctor thousands millions of questions. We have our birth plan set into place, my doctor has a copy, L&D has a copy and there is a copy that will be put into our bags for actual delivery! This is a short list that I cut down from a very very long list; the main things that are the most important to me.  Of course I know not everything goes as planned but without further adue little Krew's birth plan:
  • I wish to not have Pitocin administered unless absolutely medically needed
  • I do wish to have an epidural as soon as possible. (yes, I'm a bitch to labor pain)
  • Please wait for the umbilical cord to stop pulsing before being clamped, and allow my husband to cut the cord.
  • As long as our baby is healthy, I would like him placed immediately skin-to-skin. If I am unable to do so my husband will be in my place.
  • Please delay all non-essential routine procedures until after the bonding and breastfeeding period. (preferably one hour)
  • Our baby is to be exclusively breastfed, please do not offer any formula, artificial nipples, pacifiers or sugar water.
  • Allow my husband to bathe our baby for the first time in the room.
  • No visitors until after "Kangaroo Care" and husband and I have had our time. (3 or so hours)
Thinking of all of this happening in real life makes me tear up a little bit Ryan and I have worked so hard and come so far and I cannot wait for the moment when we are a family of 3. Just us to conquer the whole world! Please leave any comments you have on this and if you have tips, I'm going to be back later in the week/weekend with what I have packed for myself and Krew!!
I went to lunch with my bestie today and it was hard for us not to chuckle at my shadow! Can't believe in no more then 1 month I will no longer have this huge bump in my way!!

Baby Moon

Sorry you don't get to see my fat pregnant a$$ for my weekly bump post! I have come down with a terrible cold and to boot hubbs isn't home to take a picture he is hunting! Boo!! I figured I'd try to get caught up on my blog and post about the last exciting thing hubbs and I did which was our "baby moon" surprisingly a lot of people live in a hole and didn't know what one was, it is basically a honeymoon before the baby comes therefore; babymoon. I've heard some snide comments on them but I am so so glad husband and I were able to take one. (haters gonna hate) We went to Boise, Idaho for the Boise State VS. BYU game!! It was so so fun and I am a lucky girl and had my parents tag a long I love spending time with both of them and know it's precious time because whether we all like to admit it or not they are only going to be here with me for so long. So despite the 5 hour car ride that killed me we had such an awesome time and ventured and walked everywhere! People told me I was crazy and at 32 weeks I wouldn't feel like doing anything but I did! Here are some picture with a quick re-cap!

This cute lady on the horse is my favorite at every game! She always comes out with the team at the beginning of the game! I love horses!

No one hates BYU like a Utah fan. Yeah, I admitted it I am a Utah fan at heart but play the Boise fan role for my husband! I am so glad Boise took the kitty cats down on the smurf turf!
I'm sad you can't my bump well. After I had concession stand dinner my jersey was tight I had to hike it up a little! (;
Cute husby!!
For any of you new mamas I highly recommend taking a baby moon it was great to get away as a couple for the last time.
I'm hoping to get updated on this blog!
Next will be our birth plan, followed by what I am packing in my hospital bag! Here is a quick glimpse:
I am getting so so excited!!

33 weeks!

I am happy to report well, I'm not happy to report that I am so freaking far behind on blogging but I am happy to report that I am doing very good and so is baby Krew! After our little scare in L&D last week I went for my 33 week checkup today and I haven't progressed any. I am completely thinned but I am not dilated and she cleared hubby to go hunting. I am still on bed rest and maybe not taking it as seriously as I should but I know my body and I feel really really good! No bursts of energy or nesting nothing like that just over all feeling well. So I am going to try and get my baby moon posted, along with my hospital bags that I am getting packed this weekend. I have a fun girls weekend planned so I will try my hardest! For now here is my 33 week surv..

(follow me on instagram: barraslover)
How far along?
33 weeks!!
Total weight gain/loss:
I am hanging steady right at 26 pounds!!
I surrendered even more, Unisom wasn't doing anything to me and I hate taking things if they don't help me so I resorted to taking a Tylenol PM last night and oh baby I slept so so very good!!
Best moment this week:
My doctors appointment today! It was very encouraging although I am still on bed rest I have not progressed any. In 23 days Krew will be full term!
My little dude is a strong one. Plus he loves food like his dad!
I do have braxton hicks a lot, and this is TMI and I don't even freaking care but I have a lot of discharge. Oh and my rib pain is back.
Food cravings:
French Toast!!
Food aversions:
Still red meat although I had 2 cheeseburgers last week.
All blue! ((:
Labor Signs?
None this week every time I get up at night my bladder feels like it's going to fall right out of me.
Belly Button in or out?
What belly button?
What I miss:
Being a normal god damn human being. I want my regular body back!!
What I am looking forward to:
Just Krew. I just want to hold his precious angel self.
Weekly Wisdom:
I swear I won't have another child. I swear I won't ever be pregnant again! I am writing myself a miserable journal!
Krews bag is packed and the car seat is installed!! ((: