(36 weeks)
This is me sitting at the doctors office admiring my sweet little boy who is not so comfy inside! I had my first weekly check up today. My doctor checked the amniotic fluid via ultrasound and seemed concerned that it was too low so I was sent to the lab for another ultrasound. After an hour of ultrasound and being monitored I was set up. Still completely thinned and boys head is very very low. If I make it to next Thursday and my fluids are still low or lower then they are now we will discuss induction. A word I never ever thought I would use with my 1st pregnancy! I just want to keep all of the details written down, I sure have some things to use against Krew when he is older! (; I feel my body prepping and I need to take the time to mentally get in the game. My bags aren't packed and stuff is scattered all over the house! Tonight I know what I will be doing. My sisters birthday is Saturday and we would all love for him to join us! Here is to making it another week!!
I must pack some of these with me in bag! They are so delicious!
Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy and delivery! I hope it's quick and easy with you. I was induced due to low fluid with my first as well - he arrived in 19 hours and was a happy and healthy little boy! =)
Your make-up comment cracked me up. Totally something I would say!
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