We meet with a specialist in January to go over all things keep baby in for as long as possible! Now on to the ultrasound which is always my favorite part, based off my LMP I am 11 weeks but based off my ultrasound I am just 10 weeks which puts my due date at June 4th! We are so excited to be welcoming another baby into our crazy family! My o.b projects I will have the babe in the middle of May, so happy to be having a summer baby! No worrying about weather for birthday parties!
How far along?
10 weeks!!
Total weight gain/loss:
When I was weighed at the doctor on 11/07 I was 106 pds. Which was a lot less than I was thinking. So I am going to go with that as my pre-pregnancy weight. I think between the move, and a little stress I dropped a couple pds. My doctor recommended I stay below 130 so that's the goal.
Now that we are in our new home and somewhat settled I have been sleeping like a dream. I hate to use any medication so early on. Luckily, I usually crash within minutes.
Best moment this week:
Since it's only Tuesday I am going to revert this back to Friday and seeing our little bean on the screen!
None yet. I do hear with a second pregnancy you feel them a lot earlier on. We will see!
Jesus, constipation, headaches, back pain, the list goes on. Our little babe is worth it! <3 em="">3>
Food cravings:
Pickles, Cocoa Puffs, Anything sweet!
Food aversions:
Cheeseburgers, Chicken, most fast food.
We don't know yet. We both think we will be blessed with another little boy! We will wait and find out on Christmas Day in San Diego!
Labor Signs:
Belly Button in or out?
Still in.
What I miss:
Staying up late, drinking with friends, and my clothes!
What I am looking forward to:
Sending out our Christmas cards and finally announcing to the world that we are expecting!!
Weekly Wisdom:
Enjoy the day as it comes. Keep your stress low and jump in that garden bath whenever you need it!
Getting moved in and settled!
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