(19 weeks!)
How far along?
20 weeks! My doctor projects I have 16-17 more weeks, of course we are all hoping for the full 20!
Total weight gain/loss:
I am up 4 pounds. My doctor told me I need to start eating more calories because I should be up 7-8 pds by now. I've been working hard on eating complex carbs and proteins, it's hard for me in general to gain weight. (I know sob story) but I am really trying my hardest!
Some nights it's good, some night's it's bad. I usually wake up in the early morning hours with hip pain. Mostly in my right hip. I am sleeping with a bump pillow but I think I need to add some extras. Poor Ryan isn't going to have a bed here soon.
Best moment this week:
It's only Tuesday. We started this new thing watching Disney movies with Krew at night and I love it. We just snuggle and he will talk us through the movie. I am going to miss is just being us 3.
I haven't felt her near as much as I remember feeling Krew. Turns out I have an anterior placenta, so baby is behind the placenta and her kicks need to be that much harder for me to feel them. Ryan still hasn't felt her and I only do a few times at night. It's a total bummer and I am really hoping the placenta takes a backseat to baby.
Luckily I have still been feeling pretty good. I do get tired a whole lot earlier in the evening. I am back at the gym but am having some tailbone and round ligament pains.
Food cravings:
Sandwiches still, Pizza Pringles, and Vitamin Water!
Food aversions:
At our 20 week SHE is still a SHE! I am getting more nervous about being the mother to a little girl.
Labor Signs:
None, luckily. I am still having the progesterone shots each week which suck but we are really hoping they help keep baby in to cook longer!
Belly Button in or out?
It's making it's way out and it confuses Krew. SO cute!
What I miss:
Nothing this week. I'm starting to find more of my wardrobe that will work with my growing bump and I am totally more confidant this time around then I was with Krew.
What I am looking forward to:
We are going to start getting a nursery ready soon and pulling out some things we kept from when Krew was a baby. We have our bedding and swing picked out.
Weekly Wisdom:
Go to sleep. The house does not need to be perfect.
My 20 week ultrasound was last week. It was so fun to see baby lady!
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