Tiger Daisy

This past month I had pleasure to get my hands on the Tiger Daisy diaper bag! I chose the Hudson and I love everything about it! It's so versatile and perfect for mamas with 1 or more babies! It has 2 separate compartments which is so ideal to keep each one of  the kids' thing apart from each other! Especially with how much you need for just O N E baby!

 I found the side strap to be extremely comfortable and it sits on my shoulder perfect, and gives me enough grip to feel confident with it on my shoulder, my baby on my hip and my toddler in my other hand!

The zippers are amazing quality and so easy to use and get into when my hands are full!

I mean the color is gorgeous and my husband even feels comfortable carrying it around!

You can check out the Hudson and their other gorgeous bags HERE. You really won't regret getting this if you need SPACE in a bag. PLUS use promo code: sarah30 for 30% off!! What mama doesn't need space?

c/o: Tiger Daisy


Things you never want to forget

There are just somethings in life you never want to forget. For me, one of those is that innocent look your babies give you when they just peer deep down into your soul.

My baby girl is now 1. I can't even believe it, it's like each day I try to soak in the depths of the babyhood she has left. It's fleeting & fleeting FAST! Little Sun Hat sent us the sweetest bonnet that I feel puts her at a stand still. I don't wan't to take it off of her, she looks so small, so sweet, so innocent. I never want that to go away.

I mean do they not just make her look like just like a little baby doll. This will be something I cherish forever & keep for her children and her children's children! Her very first heirloom.

I am going to hold these pictures so close to my heart. This bonnet is made so well, the material is such great quality not to mention the styles they have are the cutest! Go check them out and pick up an heirloom for your little one!

c/o: Little Sun Hats



The movie "My Girl" & hormones/PMS do not mix. I lie here tonight a ball full of emotions. Gratitude, sadness, happiness, loss, excitement all the feels.

To my dear Ryan: you mean the world to me, you are snoring away right now but without that snoring I would have no place to call home, someday I will miss it. You are my heart & my soul. My very best friend but sometimes my very worst enemy. You bring out the VERY best in me, & the very worst in  me. That is why I love you. You support me in every single thing that I do, you tell me how beautiful, smart, & talented I am and you truly  believe that I can move mountains, that alone means the world to me. You're the best lover & the best fighter. You keep score but only to my benefit because you know I don't like to lose. Your sense of humor, although vulgar is my very favorite. The curls you get when you really need a hair cut make my heart patter & the way you father melts me. When I think of you I think of your dad & the huge loss we went through, together we made it. Stronger than ever & I look forward to so many more years with you & more downs then ups! But how are UPS are always that much better. I love you.

My Krew bear, you are the light that brightens my world. You are my adventurous one, my chatter box, my wild child. Always asking questions & always wanting to learn. For now you think we are getting married & that alone makes me the happiest mama! Someday, I will be the saddest mama, when you do find your very own soulmate. However, I will be so proud of the man you have become. You are so kind & gentle with your sister. I can always depend on you when I get lonely & you are always here to shell out the biggest hug when you know my mama heart needs one the most. I love you to the moon & back.

My koko girl, I couldn't have ever dreamt of a daughter more perfect than you. You have every feature of your daddy's, but you have that fire deep down just like your mama. You have the most kissable cheeks & thighs & I know you have so many mountains to climb. Keep that fire burning & never let anyone try to put it out. You my sunshine are the greatest baby girl & I am so lucky you chose me to be your mama! I know you had some extra time with your Papa Barras, we miss him so. Thank you for bringing some of him down with you. Thank you for showing me signs of my own Grandma and thank you so very very much for making me the very best women, wife, & mom. Because I know you're watching. I love your little firey soul more than you'll ever know.

To my God thank you for giving me those 3 things, without them nothing else would matter or exist. They make my world go round & I learn to love more each & everyday.

Mom N' Tot Box Review

Friends! It's has been awhile hasn't it? Well, I'm back! I have so much going on and I cannot wait to share it all! First off I want to share my review with Mom N' Tot Box, I LOVED it!

I chose the sibling subscription box! It was so simple, I let them know their ages, & gender & the box was shipped! We had a blast opening it & my kids love it! I did a full review on my YouTube Channel go check it out & make sure to subscribe. I think my favorite things that came in the box were the cute little wooden camera for Koko and the little shorts for Krew! Also, the crayons are perfect because they are organic and toxic free!

Below is a list of all things included!

The shorts are from Sewing for Sunshine you can find them on IG @sewingforsunshine or online at Sewing For Sunshine. I CANNOT wait to get my babies bums into these!

Shopwrenn is super cute nail polish! I can't wait to take it to my next manicure appointment! They also sell gemstone jewelry. You can check them out at Shopwrenn their rings are GORGEOUS!

Bellascasa is handmade Montessori & educational toys. They provided us with super great & cute black & white pictures perfect for Koko's learning, advancing brain! Very stimulating. You can find them at Bellascas.

Me 4 Kidz I loved loved loved this one, it's the CUTEST little First Aid kit that fits perfectly in my Fawn diaper bag. You can find them at Me 4 Kidz or on Instgram @mr4kidz.

Forever Afters: CUTEST handmade toys that are made to last a lifetime!

Childhoodlist The best handmade crayons, non toxic, & eco friendly. Perfect for my 1 year old who loves to color with my 4 year old, yet she still tries to eat them. You can find them online at Childhoodlist they even have NATURAL play-doh!

Little Wooden Wonders CUTEST handmade natural toys. You can find them on Instagram @littlewoodenwonders

I love that this box is great for ANY age not just newborn to 6 months. It has helped my 4 year old not feel left out when it comes to his little sister! This would serve as an awesome baby shower gift with the 3 month subscription option! I will definitely be renewing for my June Box!!

The struggle

There are days I struggle. Days where I do not feel like I am matching up to my own expectations, then there are days where I am so giddy, so thankful for all of the wonderful people in my life.

Lately, I've been blessed with friends who have shown they would go to the end of the earth for me and for that I am so thankful. One of my mommy blogger friends over at Mom Boss Movement noticed I needed to be lifted up and I needed a daily reminder of how great I am as a mom, wife, daughter, sister, friend etc.

It's too good to keep to myself and I give all the credit to Brittany! She's a real great person! I hope you enjoy this affirmation as much as I did.

YOU are an incredible being.

A glorious expression.

A beautiful heart.

 A generous soul.

A fabulous body.

Fearfully, wonderfully and intricately fashioned.

Without mess-ups or without a blemish.

YOU are a masterpiece.

Creatively crafted. Deliberately chosen. Chosen for greatness.

YOU were not made for a cage. For a stereotype. For limitations. Or even your own fears.

YOU were made greatly and for great things.

For daring explouts, passionate pursuits, for confident convictions.

YOU are an overcomer. YOU are strong. YOU are a fighter. YOU don't give up.

YOU are not a slave to fear, but an ambassador of love.

YOU are a conduit of freedom. A beacon of hope. A carrier of light.

YOU are redeemed. Free. Forgiven. Loved. Chosen.

And YOU are rad - dare I say radical?

YOU may not be right all the time, but dear one, you are righteous.

YOU are smart, wise beyond your years. Experience and passion are your soul's tutor.

YOU make good choices. YOU are a solid decision maker.

YOU smile at the present and anticipate the future. YOU are unwavering.

Doubt and fear fall at your feet - they cower at the thought of you.

YOU are a leader like no other. You aren't an echo of another, but a unique voice of your own.

YOU are an absolute joy. Because you are YOU. You're enough. There's no one like you.

This world needs you. Your expression. Your kindness. Your eagerness. Your hopefulness. YOU.

A Happiest Birthday with Plum Cakery

I think I understand now why older adults do not like birthdays. They wish they would pass by without any acknowledgment. I also know that each & every day we should be living this life to it's fullest. ESPECIALLY on our day of birth. How lucky are we to celebrate not just ANOTHER day but we just passed another year! I turned 27 two weeks ago, I had been dreading it for awhile. It seems so "late 20's" to me. I woke up the day of my birthday and decided to EMBRACE it! I have no many amazing friends, the BEST family I could ever ask for, a wonderful hardworking husband and 2 beautiful, striving, and healthy children! I worked and then R cooked me dinner for my family and I. I was also so honored to have Alex from Plum Cakery make my delicious birthday cake, I mean the pictures do not even do it justice.

I chose the English Rose Cake, it was vanilla chiffon cake filled with raspberry jam and rosewater buttercream, then frosted in rosewater buttercream. It MELTED in your mouth! Plus the details of the flowers and fresh fruit just topped it off. If you are in Utah and need a cake for any occasion contact Plum Cakery. You will not regret it!


Grief Support 101: Part 2

I am on a plane to Las Vegas for a work trip. I've been away from my kids for only 2 hours now and I miss them. I'm not even across the Oquirah mountains & I miss home. Being up this high, seeing everything down at home, the sun on the lake, the familiar streets make it so I can sort of figure out the whereabouts of my kids at my parents.

Seeing the clouds & imagining what the view must be like from heaven is breath taking. It's almost over coming. Suffocating in a way knowing my loved ones up there see this everyday and also get to still enjoy the view of ourselves & children. We don't get that view. We only get glimpses of memories & quick feelings of a sense of closeness to them.

My husband is the strongest human I know. I've said this way before the death of his father, & even the death of his Grandfather that came prior to his dad. I've seen him at his highest highs & lowest lows. I've prayed more than I ever have the last year and a half & I have been tested in ways that have brought out a new Sarah, a new mom, a new wife, & hopefully a new friend. Hopefully a BETTER Sarah.

See, being the spouse of a person grieving is exhausting. It's going to bed feeling so lost, helpless, & sad. Feeling lost in the moment because there is absolutely nothing I can do to help heal my husbands heart. I can be there, I have and always will be here. For him to vent to, cry on, share the happy times with & of course laugh over our hardships once they've passed us by.

I want to be that person for him. So I have fought wars in my own mind. Being patient doesn't just come with being parents, it's vital in a marriage. I've had to be patient and wait for Ryan to be "ready" to sort out his feelings & willing to express them to me.

From day to day I don't know how he's doing, I'm often conflicted on whether I should ask him, in case it sparks more sorrow. He tries to be strong for me, his children, & his sisters. But sometimes seeing him at his most vulnerable is what makes me love him more & more.

August 30th of 2008 I vowed to love him till death to us part & have learned through our almost 8 year wedded journey that it means more than just our own deaths, it's the deaths of people so close to or heart that once they are gone, a piece of that heart is taken.

Ryan is forever changed without his dad, I know this. I have expressed how I feel to him. He's always so compassionate about my feelings & my needs when it comes to the adaptability of things with this new life we live.

They say that for every death a new person is born. For us that is our princess Khloe born just 7 months after the passing. She's our angel, everyone sees so much of Ryan in her. I know my father in law helped piece her together. To make her fit into our family, to be a Barras & of course be a daddy's girl. He knew Ryan needed a little girl to soften his already huge heart.  

To my love Ryan, you know I'm your biggest fan, your soul holds every part of my being & I love you till death do us part. Your dad is so proud of the man you are today & the family you have created. Never forget that.


Grief Support 101: Post 1

I've been wanting to type these posts for months, I've never really wrapped my head around HOW I would start this off. I mean, I still don't have my head wrapped around the situation in whole. I of course, wanted my husband's approval before I put out such personal information in regards to his thoughts, emotions, and opinions on the subject. 

Please note that these are just my own opinions & feelings on handling a spouse who is grieving. No names will be used for the privacy of my family, & LOTS of information will be left out but this is more geared toward dealing with, and helping him move forward in the best most positive way possible. 

On Thursday November 20th, 2014 our lives were ripped right from underneath us. I mean literally, we fell flat on our asses. My dear father in law had passed away. We had no warning signs, nothing medically noted that he wasn't going to be with us for the next 20 years NOTHING! We had just found out that we were expecting our 2nd baby & had JUST moved into our new home. I remember the phone call from my husband, when I answered his trembling voice immediately put a pit into my stomach, I knew something was wrong but had no idea the real roller coaster ride we were about to endure. We were both at work, Krew was at his nannies. What do we do? He lived all the way in Idaho, we were a good 2.5 hours away. I knew we needed to get there, for his family. For Ryan to feel as safe, calm, peaceful, and at home as possible. 

I left work in a scramble, went home packed our things planning for the whole weekend away, I called my mom told her our circumstances and decided it would be best if we left Krew with her while we went to arrange what needed done.

We hopped in the car, just the 2 of us so vulnerable, feeling so young, so lost. I remember Ryan being so emotionless, I know he was shocked of course, wishing that he didn't have to let go, wishing it wasn't HIM. He was his dad's only son, they had an incredible bond. We sped to Idaho, many phone calls were made about autopsies, funeral homes, and final arrangements. The whole way there I prayed, I prayed for the strength to help my husband through this, for the strength that NO MATTER what I would stick right by his side, I would be the shoulder he cried on. I promised to myself, God, and Ryan that for better or worse I was here. I was his girl. I had NO idea the extent it would all come to.

There were no final arrangements set in place by my father in law. No will, no executor. We were left speechless, at just 25 & 26 dealing with the death of a parent. Why us? We are so young, why are we doing this for one of our parents? I couldn't understand it, and my faith was tested. Since then it has been tested to the greatest of extents possible.

I am starting this series of posts to help out the spouse of a grieving spouse. It has by far been the hardest thing I have experienced. We all know death is inevitable but being so young, it's a whole nother ball game. Everyday I look at my husband in complete awe, he has handled it better than I know I would, better than I know some people have. I am proud of him but I am also proud of myself. For pushing & pulling my family through this, through the darkest hours, the scariest decisions, and most importantly the patience I have learned in dealing with the grieving process.

It’s been hard to know what to say, when to say it or what to do when your spouse is grieving. I was and still am afraid of intruding, saying the wrong thing, or making him feel even worse. Mostly, I feel there’s little I can do to make things better. While I can’t take away the pain of the loss, I try to provide much-needed comfort and support. I let him know I care, I ask him his feelings from time to time and most importantly, I talk about my father in law. The good times, never the bad times.

I have a few more posts to this but I don't want to get ahead of myself. I want this to be authentic, raw, and as emotional as possible. My husband is my rock, having to turn into his rock has taught my so much about myself, and for that I am thankful. 


it's me.

oh hey, it's me. really.. me. I am 2 kids, a part time job, & marathon training DEEP, swinging right into 2016. I haven't blogged since the blur of new motherhood, when I so vaguely remember typing out Khloe's birth story.

(i'm still hooked on coffee, i mean more than i was before!)

So many things have changed, some great, some not so great, and some incredibly stressful. See, I am a stressor. It's hard-wired. The only trait I believe I inherited from my father.

my marriage is stronger than ever, yet so fragile. we are sleep deprived, we don't get a lot of alone time, & the whole hanky panky thing is limited. we co-sleep for god sake.

anyways, krew is now raging into those threenager years, like I mean I ask myself daily if he is 30 or just 3.

Khloe has fit ever so wonderfully into this family. She just completes us, her crazy bed head, her smile with her tongue out, oh & her temper. something I like to think she got from her father. She has so many nick-names, koko, pretty bird, sissy, missy mou, sissy sue, queenie. Koko is a typical girl, the typical baby of the family EVERYONE loves her & EVERYONE wants to hold her.

 A lot has changed with me, my perspective on life, my selflessness, my PPD after baby #2 came (post to come). My personality, my goals, my anxiety, I mean basically everything that comes with being a new mom. AGAIN.