Tiger Daisy

This past month I had pleasure to get my hands on the Tiger Daisy diaper bag! I chose the Hudson and I love everything about it! It's so versatile and perfect for mamas with 1 or more babies! It has 2 separate compartments which is so ideal to keep each one of  the kids' thing apart from each other! Especially with how much you need for just O N E baby!

 I found the side strap to be extremely comfortable and it sits on my shoulder perfect, and gives me enough grip to feel confident with it on my shoulder, my baby on my hip and my toddler in my other hand!

The zippers are amazing quality and so easy to use and get into when my hands are full!

I mean the color is gorgeous and my husband even feels comfortable carrying it around!

You can check out the Hudson and their other gorgeous bags HERE. You really won't regret getting this if you need SPACE in a bag. PLUS use promo code: sarah30 for 30% off!! What mama doesn't need space?

c/o: Tiger Daisy


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