Guest Post: A Girls Kind of Therapy

One of my super cute bloggy/facebook/real life friends started her very own fashion blog. Ya'll know I am not the hippest when it comes to fashion and now that I can't fit into ANYTHING it is making it that much harder to be a cute hip expecting mama! Thank god sweet Mal pulled through with some fashionista advice! She herself was pregnant and has a precious baby girl! Please go visit her blog her style is to die for!

I m so honored to be asked to be a guest on The Birds The Bees & The Barras'
This post couldn't be anymore fitting for this blog. I decided since Sarah is 25 weeks along I would give my advice on what I thought were a Fashion must when pregnant.
It took me a good 27 weeks to face reality and realize my clothes just didn't fit anymore. I had a couple of pieces that I was able to snug my way in which thanks heavens for not having to fork over the money for an entire wardrobe because we all know Maternity clothes are the cheapest. But I did break down and buy what I thought were some necessities!

Maternity Must
1. Leggings: These seems to expand with me which made it comfortable. I was able to throw these one with and baggy sweater and I was out the door. My favorite pair was from H&M which weren't maternity but they worked and still do.
2.Baggy sweaters/tops: Good thing this style is in because what a different it make to have something loose then something tight fitting. However I do love when your little belly can be seen in the little tight tops!
3.Maxi Dress: These things saved me. They were perfect for those days when I needed to dress up or even when I was just wanting to throw something on and run to the store. I am also loving the bold print which make it not so obvious of how big you really are in the your couple of weeks.
4.Skinnies: I did break down and bought a expensive pair of maternity jeans but I am sure glad I did. Because they were super comfy and fashionable at the same time. I plan to use these every pregnancy.
5.Blazer:Blazers were my favorite because I was able to throw them on with anything and they ALWAYS fit.... I was able to stick my belly out of it and be proud!
6.Flats/flip flops: My last months of pregnancy were in the summer and my feet were huge and swollen. I depended on my flip flops and a good pair of flats because really want woman wants to stand in heels while carrying a baby 24/7.. not me.
7:Bold Necklace: My favorite was accessorizing with bright and bold jewelry. It took a little distraction off my huge belly & Swollen feet! 
I think sometimes the big questions is where do I find cute maternity clothes? Some of my favorite places are: 

I hope this post is helpful to some of you cute pregnant ladies! Hang in there it is all worth it when you meet that little one for the first
 Have a fantastic Day and come on by to A Girls Kind of Therapy!

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