33 weeks!

I am happy to report well, I'm not happy to report that I am so freaking far behind on blogging but I am happy to report that I am doing very good and so is baby Krew! After our little scare in L&D last week I went for my 33 week checkup today and I haven't progressed any. I am completely thinned but I am not dilated and she cleared hubby to go hunting. I am still on bed rest and maybe not taking it as seriously as I should but I know my body and I feel really really good! No bursts of energy or nesting nothing like that just over all feeling well. So I am going to try and get my baby moon posted, along with my hospital bags that I am getting packed this weekend. I have a fun girls weekend planned so I will try my hardest! For now here is my 33 week surv..

(follow me on instagram: barraslover)
How far along?
33 weeks!!
Total weight gain/loss:
I am hanging steady right at 26 pounds!!
I surrendered even more, Unisom wasn't doing anything to me and I hate taking things if they don't help me so I resorted to taking a Tylenol PM last night and oh baby I slept so so very good!!
Best moment this week:
My doctors appointment today! It was very encouraging although I am still on bed rest I have not progressed any. In 23 days Krew will be full term!
My little dude is a strong one. Plus he loves food like his dad!
I do have braxton hicks a lot, and this is TMI and I don't even freaking care but I have a lot of discharge. Oh and my rib pain is back.
Food cravings:
French Toast!!
Food aversions:
Still red meat although I had 2 cheeseburgers last week.
All blue! ((:
Labor Signs?
None this week every time I get up at night my bladder feels like it's going to fall right out of me.
Belly Button in or out?
What belly button?
What I miss:
Being a normal god damn human being. I want my regular body back!!
What I am looking forward to:
Just Krew. I just want to hold his precious angel self.
Weekly Wisdom:
I swear I won't have another child. I swear I won't ever be pregnant again! I am writing myself a miserable journal!
Krews bag is packed and the car seat is installed!! ((:
Unknown said...

you are too cute!! It's getting so close!

Jessica said...

I'm glad you're feeling good! Stay rested mama!

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