Resolutions Check-In

Since we are half way through the year I thought I could touch base on our resolutions. This year is flying by and I am hoping I have enough time to fit all of these things in! Between being a mom, wife, sister, daughter, dog mom, training for my races, spending time with friends and family, my full-time job, and all of the other side things I enjoy my life gets hectic pretty fast! You can find the original post about my resolutions HERE. I am feeling pretty good about what I set for myself and am trying to keep in mind that the year is not over yet! So here we go:

Save $ for Krews private school tuition. - Family- This is going well. We have an account set up that family can put money into for birthdays, holidays, etc.

Train & complete my 1st FULL marathon. Hoping to get into St. George. - Personal - This isn't going to happen this year. On another list I put up on my instagram (@sarahbarras_) I put that I wanted to do 2 half marathons under 2:15 so I am trying to focus more on those. Next year I am hoping to check this off my goals list

Pay-off Ryan's truck. $3,000 left. - Family- CHECK! We did this back in February! We love only have my car payment! (Hence, more money for private school tuition!)

List & sell our 1st home. - Family - CHECK! This is still so bittersweet to me! We sold back in March and moved into my parents basement in April!

Train & complete my 1st triathlons. Idaho Spudman. - Personal -
CHECK CHECK CHECK! I can't believe this is done & over with! It's something I have wanted to do for YEARS! I will try to re-cap soon!

Live in the moment more, social media free. - Personal - I have been doing this more! I take days off of Facebook and Instagram. I am just starting not to care so much about what other people are doing, but it's still nice to keep in touch with my friends from high school and the family we have that lives out of town! Plus with a kid as cute as mine I can't help but show him off! ;)

Find or build our dream home, the one we will be in for the next 15+ yrs. 
- Family - CHECK CHECK CHECK! I think this is the most exciting goal of all! It's always been a dream of mine to design and build my own home and we did just that! We broke ground last week and expect to move in right after Thanksgiving! We can't wait! We picked the most perfect location close to the freeways, my parents, Krews nannies, my work, and the city!

MAYBE try for another baby. MAYBE. - Family - Oh man! This summer has flown past us! I don't think we really realize how old Krew is getting and of course do not want the age gap between our children to big! We will see how things go as our lives slow down a bit!!

Potty train Krew. - Family - This is going WAY better than expected! Krew is starting to relate his bowel movements with the potty and is starting to tell us when he has to go more. He knows he needs to go on the potty but still gets nervous and likes the security of his diaper! It's totally ok with me, he has gone pee on the toilet once or twice so I will take it! I still have a couple months before I will get serious about this but do want him trained by age 2 1/2!


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