I'm still alive and still as busy as ever! My life never slows down I swear! I have been up since 4 AM because of the loud thunder and I drifted off back asleep only to wake up to Krew telling me "You chute". I guess he thinks I am cute when I am PTFO. I know I still need to finish part 2 of Krews burn story but it is much to traumatic for me but I promise at some point I will do it.
I am here to talk about something that is a huge accomplishment for us. Something as a little girl I have always wanted to do! We are BUILDING A HOUSE!! I have had some friends text me and ask me about it and some peeps write me on instagram (@sarahbarras_) about it so I figured I could just do a post about it to fill my peeps in on our exciting project!!
We sold our old home back in March and have been living with my parents since the first part of April! It's been a little nutso. We initially didn't really know what we wanted to do so we just started to sock money towards some credit card debt and paid off R's truck! (hallelujah) We quickly realized we couldn't live as a family of 3 in my parents basement forever so we started looking at communities to build new in. It was SO flippin' expensive. We signed a contract with Ivory Homes on March 31st (my 25th birthday!!). We picked a neighborhood and a lot and a floor plan and the whole 9 yards! We had about a week window to make sure it was something we really wanted because after the week we would lose out on the earnest money we had already put down.
During that week I was freaking out. The house was perfect, the lot not so much. It was small, we wouldn't have a big backyard, or room to grow like an RV pad, and our backyard would be but up against a row of apartments plus the price was quite a stretch for us. We could still live comfortably but a big house isn't something we foresee ourselves wanting to use all of our hard earned money on. We are vacationers, people!!
Long story short after some tears a couple blow outs, and a reality check we decided to back out. We were spending a TON of money and sacrificing a lot so we wanted to make sure our next investment was everything we wanted on our list!! Since backing out our realtor took us to some houses in our price range in the desired neighborhoods we had in our minds. We hated all of them. Luckily, our Ivory guy called us and told to look at some of the other lots in the same neighborhood and look at a different house plan. We happily obliged and found something even better for even cheaper than originally planned! We would be getting everything on our list minus a 3 car garage. Hubby was able to do a 2 foot deep expansion on it so we were plenty happy with that!
I have heard a few negative comments about this exciting time in our lives and it is REALLY sad that some people can't just be happy for you. This is something no one can take away from R, myself, and K. We are so so excited to move in and look forward to first week of December and then jetting off to Disneyland for a Christmas break!! I will continue to update and show pictures of the progress and more of the inside design as things get moving along.
Thanks to all of my close friends and mainly my family for encouraging me everyday and helping us keep our eye on the prize! We will be going into our new house with a mortgage and a car payment. No unsecured debt NO nothing. It has been a true blessing in our financial future the way things have played out for us the past 6 months!
Congratulations!! Those haters are just jealous. I can't wait to see some pictures when it's all done. :-)
Our stories are sooo much alike! Isn't it absurd how people always see the negative in such an amazing and accomplished time in someone's life?! I don't know y'all, but I'm so happy for all three of you and wish y'all the absolute BEST! I follow you on IG by the way haha but I'm glad I came across your blog and look forward to seeing your pics of the new home! Xo
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