It's A...

R, K, & I are so beyond thrilled to be welcoming a little lady into our family! Our gender reveal story is quite funny! We went in for a testing ultrasound on Monday November 24th. We were given a 70% accuracy rate of baby being a boy. The tech based this off the "angle of the dangle". Here is a picture.. 

If the angle is pointing up it's a boy, if it's a girl the angle is point straight across. Of course when we got the news we would welcome another little boy into our family we were so excited. We figured that R's dad had some say in that as he had just passed away. We had a name picked out and everything! Fast forward almost 4.5 weeks, we were waiting to announce on Christmas day. We wanted to have a 100% confirmation so we scheduled another ultrasound. We knew it wouldn't change, you hardly hear of stories where you are told boy when it's really a girl, it's usually the other way around. 
So, last Monday before we left for our trip R, myself, and my sissy jumped in the car excited to see baby boy again. We didn't let the tech know that we had already been scanned and were told a boy. We wanted a for sure opinion based straight off the spread of the legs. The tech was having a hard time getting a good shot. Ryan and I joked that Krew wasn't that difficult, the tech proceeded to tell us that boys are usually pretty easy. That's when my mind started to wonder. Just what IF the initial ultrasound had been wrong. About 20 mins into the scan the tech asked me to drink some cold water and turn on my side and jab at baby to get him or her to move. So I did that for about 10 mins, she left to give me some privacy but did tell us that she had an idea. Ryan mentioned that he wasn't seeing that he saw with Krew but we totally blew it off. 2 extremely open shots later the tech told us IT'S A GIRL!

We all sat there SHOCKED. I had the tech check 2 more times. I didn't believe it. We were given 110% confirmation. The tech was confidant in sending us on our way!! I couldn't wait to get home to tell my mom sister in laws and mother in law. The initial shock is slowly wearing off and we are warming up to some names! We do have some boy clothes that we need to return though!!


Katie @ said...

Wow! How crazy but how much fun to have a little lady!! Krew will be a great big bro!

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