(i stopped doing my hair A LONG time ago)
How far along?
28 Weeks!
Total weight gain/loss:
23ish pds! Husband recently went on a diet and bought a scale. I try to stay far away from it because I am already self conscious of my weight! I don't go to the doctor again until the 19th of Sept so I'm hoping to be able to stay on track till I hear from my doctor!
Sleep? What's that. If I can manage to stay asleep all night I am usually fine but the second I wake up to pee that's all she wrote! Everything from bad dreams, to anxiety, to leg cramps! Trying to avoid sleeping pills though!
Best moment this week:
I FINALLY found a dress that I feel confident in to wear to my baby shower on Saturday! Also, REAL excited for the Boise State vs. Michigan game!
My little man is an active guy already! Especially right before bed prepping mom for late nights! I can't wait!! I never did think I would say that though!
I'm trying to get better with my complaining! I am taking all the symptoms I can because this pregnancy is going to be over before I know it and I don't want to look back and miss it!
Food cravings:
Edamame, PB&J sammiches, Cake Batter
Food aversions:
Red Meat
Labor Signs:
My braxton hicks have taken a back seat this past week!
Belly Button in or out?
It's 95% out!
What I miss:
Running, Drinking, Sleeping on my stomach, and wrestling with hubbs and my nephew!
What I am looking forward to:
The Boise State game Friday and my baby shower Saturday!!
Weekly Wisdom:
Time is flying I am trying to stay cam and realize how BIG of a moment this is in my life I'm trying to enjoy everything!
I feel like every morning when I wake up is a milestone, for hell sakes I am growing a precious human inside of me! Each week I am closer and closer to meeting him and kissng his sweet face!
what a cute bump! I love the gray stripes! I can't imagine not getting a good night sleep every night!! I guess it's good practice though! lol!
Hi...I love your blog...kiss!!
You're looking adorable as usual!!
Wow...I've been away too long. Congrats!
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