
Here is a re-cap of the Barras life via instagram (surr_burr)
I've been rocking hats a little more than usual lately, all do to the fact that I am too lazy to wash my hair!
My 2 baby boys! I love this picture. Our little Gussie is starting to come around so much more and loves his brother Krew!
We took Krew swimming! He loved it! He didn't cry or anything he kinda just kicked his feet around and would 1/2 smile as we took him around the pool! Can't wait for Summer!
Can you say OCD? We traveled to Idaho this weekend to visit Great-Grandpa Barras again. I am a freak when it comes to Krew he has to have everything just so!
Mama needed a Rockstar to kick off the trip. I hate falling asleep and leaving the driving up to Ryan.
Cheyenne (5 months) Krew (4 months)
He look so big to me and was such a gentlemen to the ladies!
Dudes morning nap yesterday before we left. This kid loves naps!

Krew & Great-Grandpa Barras

Ryan, myself & Grandpa
Idaho was fun and I am lucky we are able to travel up to visit with Grandpa his health is declining so it's good to see him when we can! Krew is so lucky to have such an awesome role model to look back on!

Jessica said...

Krew is so adorable!

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