Le Weekend

Hello Monday. ::sigh:: Hello bloggieters! Goodbye snow.

I am so sad the weekend is over and that it is Monday once again, sometimes life can seem like someone turned the repeat button on! Also, I think I am dealing with a little bit of seasonal depression. It is so dang cold here in SL and it seems like every other morning I wake up to a little bit more snow. I am so over it, my dad is sick and Krew has a stuffy nose. I swear in the Winter time it is always something needless to say I am ready for Summer! Here is a recap on our short weekend:

Linking up with http://www.samisshenanigans.com/ for the Weekend Update!

(left to right)
Krew being all handsome with his bowtie.
My bestie & I before our sledding adventure!
Lip suckers I made for Krew to give to his cousins and babysitter friends!
Kissing Krew, I can't get enough of this little guy!
Krew in his diaper on Saturday morning after peeing on the couch twice. I think he thinks it's funny!
Krew playing with his OBall rattle. He looks just like daddy here.
Oh, hey again bestie. We went tubing up Soldier Hollow it was so fun!
The final Valentine I need to just mail out 3 to Idaho!
My FB status last night about the Grammy's.
:Sir Elton John on the Grammy's just made my weekend! Taylor Swift however, LAME!! Ya'll I can't stand her!!"

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