My life as of instalate

Seriously, If I am not the biggest instawhore I don't know who is! I love posting pictures of my little man, and you are just THAT lucky that I will share them with you on this foggy morning here in SLC. I am sipping chugging a TRIPLE shot iced white mocha enjoying all of my blessings from God! Here are some pictures from our crazy 3 day weekend:

(left to right)
1. It was finally above 30 degrees here in SLC last Thursday so Krew and I ventured out with our puppy dogs for about an hour. It was fun, he finally met the sun!
2. Yesterday I took the day off with hubbs (3 day weekend whoohoo!) and we shopped for Krews Easter pictures and started his basket! If you know ME you know I am CRAZY for Easter!
3. My little hardcore thug in his Run DMC shirt. Seriously, can't resist buying him clothes, he doesn't need them. I need to rehab.
4. Oh, that pretty lady. That's my bestie and we had a killer fun weekend! I am so thankful to have such an awesome friend who always has my back.
5. Little dude in his sunnies rockin' the shit out of them of course. Just like his mama. Oh, and Sophie. He loves her.
6. That's me with my new tattoo on Superbowl Sunday. I got it on Friday it reads Krew Arthur which is of course that one little soul who turned my whole life around and makes every morning so much more whorthwhile. Also, can this kid rock a bowtie anymore than he already does?
You can find me on Instagram under surr_burr.
Nicole said...

He's super cute and such a fly dresser! Where do you shop for him? I have such a hard time finding cute things for my little man

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