Resolutions Check-In

I haven't checked in on our resolutions since July! Things have been so busy for us. It feels like life never really slows down. I can't grasp onto reality. Since then here is an update on our 2014 Resolutions!

Save $ for Krews private school tuition. - Family- This is going well. Luckily we still have a few years before we need to start actually paying this out.

Train & complete my 1st FULL marathon. Hoping to get into St. George. - Personal - This isn't going to happen. I have no real excuse. Honestly. Maybe, next year.

Pay-off Ryan's truck. $3,000 left. - Family- CHECK! We did this back in February! We love only have my car payment! 

List & sell our 1st home. - Family - CHECK! This is still so bittersweet to me! We sold back in March!

Train & complete my 1st triathlons. Idaho Spudman. - Personal -
CHECK CHECK CHECK! I can't believe this is done & over with!

Live in the moment more, social media free. - Personal - This has been getting easier and easier to do! I don't care as much to stay in the loop!

Find or build our dream home, the one we will be in for the next 15+ yrs. 
- Family - CHECK CHECK CHECK! I think this is the most exciting goal of all! We are ONE week out from moving!!

MAYBE try for another baby. MAYBE. - Family - This year really got the best of us! Busy busy!

Potty train Krew. - Family - Once we get into our house we are going to his this pretty hard. I am nervous since we are going to California for almost a week in December. Will it set him back any once we do get him trained? Should I hold off until the new year?

It's been a very blessed year for my family.

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