Faja's Day

I know most girls say this but I really do have the Worlds greatest, most charming, smartest, funniest, handsomest (word?), perfect, kind, proud, humble, supportive, best daddy ever!
 Seriously love this mans freaking guts! He is amazing in every single way possible and has always always been here for me through everything. I may not want this advice at times but it always ends up right.

Thanks for everything through the years. I look up to you and looked for the same qualities in my husband as you have. Thanks for sitting through my track practices, meets, soccer games, swim meets, for your support when I would lose and your sarcasm to make me smile again. Thanks for putting me through private school so that I would get the best education possible, thanks for protecting me from the worlds anger, thanks for being the best husband to my mom, and most of all thanks for being my dad I couldn't ask for a better man its an honor to be your daughter I love you more then you will ever know and hope to be as freaking funny as you someday! Love you lots!! xoxo

Now on for another father figure in my life...
Kenny B. (FIL)
Like father like son much? I think so! Some day's I claim him other days I don't. Thanks for being here for your son and family when everything else falls apart. Your sweet, loving and caring, and your son gets that from you!

& last but not least:
Even though he isn't a "real" daddy to a human being he is the dad to our little fur babies. He is the protector of our household, the glue that holds it all together, the handyman, the supporter, the hardworking driven one who makes sure our fridge is always stocked and that none of us are going without. Someday I know this man will be the best dad because he already is to our furbabies. He is so sweet and nurting! I will be so proud to have his babes one day! Love ya honey! xoxo
Brittany said...

What a beautiful post! You are soo darn beautiful! You father is such a handsome man

I hope all the dads (and not yet dads) had a wonderful day! :)

Unknown said...

sush a sweet & darling post!

Annie said...

you are gorgeous little miss!!!
hope all the dad's in your life had a wonderful father's day!

btw - new follower, cute blog hun!

Brittany said...

What a sweet post! I hope your dad was able to read it. Love the pics!

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