
I don't think I have ever bloggied about this! It's one of the funnest things during my week and I HAVEN'T shared! (tsk, tsk)
(taken with my crackberry poor quality boo!)

I coach a county track team Tuesdays, Thursdays and some Saturdays! Track is something I am passionate about and the kids are WAY too cute for their own good! I usually don't take a lunch at work Tues & Thurs and leave around 4 and coach until 6:30 or 9:00 if we have track meets! I swear I am running out of time in my day but I would rather be scorching, thirsty, sunburnt, and harassed by 5 and 6 year olds then sitting in front of the tube! Bonus is I get paid for it! :] Yuupp $9.00 an hour but Hey, Its better then nothing right? It's extra summer spending money and it's been nice to have but I definenatly don't do it for the money because I enjoy it too much! So I thought I would share this pic with you guys on my lil' track babies! They were doing a "Chicken Trap" not sure what that was but I think they forget that I am not into the new millennium language. As one of my 14 yr old gals would say "I'm so 90s!" Good thing? Maybe? So this is what most of my nights are filled with and when my chitlens win I sometimes feel a huge urge to want to cry because I am SO dang proud! Now I know how my mama felt when I never use to lose! ::insert sarcasm::
Anonymous said...

aww i know what you mean! I coach lacrosse and it's so fun to still be involved and watching other kids enjoy it like i used to. It makes me miss a little more some days though.

Ally said...

Hey there! I left you an award on my blog!!! :)

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