Baby Barras..

It's A..


Ryan & I could not be prouder to announce that we are expecting a baby boy this November!! We went to Fetal Fotos here in SLC on Tuesday night, I went in dead set on having a GIRL. I truly thought I was growing a vagina inside of me, I had the nursery colors picked out, the names, the picture themes, the bows, the ruffles everything!! To my surprise our tiny bean is a boy, husband cried, I cried, and I asked the tech how sure she was to which she replied "I am very very sure he is a boy! Start painting"! As a little girl I always dreamed about having a boy first, to be the man of the house when husband is gone, to protect this sister (if god grants us one) and to teach me how to be more of a boy mom than girl mom. Does that make sense? Anyways, I am thrilled beyond belief and can't wait to have another Ryan running around the house, If I never get my girl I think I will be okay with being a boy only mama! After we had our u/s we headed out to dinner and shopping it was such a great night, me, my husband, and what we could finally say OUR BABY BOY!! Keeping the secret until the next evening was a challenge but we managed and I am so glad that we did, it was very intimate to experience just the 2 of us! I will now fill you in on the goods; the party!
Jessica said...


Kristin said...

Congrats!! very exciting!! any names picked out?

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